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Home | This Distribution List and E-mail to Zimbabwe

Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 18:58:05 -0700
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: This Distribution List and E-mail to Zimbabwe

Hi everyone,

For a while now I have been informally passing on information relating to the crisis in Zimbabwe to a few people and mailing lists in a haphazard manner. I have created this mailing list in order to be a little more consistent.

There are about 200 people on this list, including visitors to the Great North Road (Northern Rhodesians Worldwide). I realise that technically the situation in Zim has little to do with what was Northern Rhodesia, but many of the people on this list who have lived in NR have also lived in or have close ties to what was Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia and now Zimbabwe. However, if you want off of this list, simply reply to this message stating your request and I will happily remove you.

Also on this list are family, friends, acquaintances and other contacts (business and personal) both inside Zimbabwe and around the world -- a cross section of people who I believe have an interest in the country for one reason or another. I have also added a few politicians who should have an interest in the situation, even if they don't. Requests by politicians to be removed from this list will not necessarily be treated favourably. Please send me the e-mail addresses of politicians in your country that you feel should be added to this list, particularly heads of state and ministers of foreign affairs and immigration / refugees.

I am concerned about sending e-mail to certain recipients in Zimbabwe due to the telecommunications bill passed there requiring Internet service providers to monitor Internet traffic. While it is currently a technical impossibility to monitor all Web and most e-mail traffic, it is very easy for an ISP to forward copies of e-mail that is stored on or travels through a mail server located in Zimbabwe. (It can be done anywhere in the world, but only in a country such as Zimbabwe could it actually be legislated.) Therefore I encourage anyone who is on this list who has an e-mail account located in Zimbabwe to get one outside the country. Doing so will make it next to impossible for anyone in the CIO to monitor your e-mail.

If you have an e-mail address in the domains iafrica.com, samara.co.zw or africaonline.co.zw (the only Zimbabwean ones on this list) you should probably consider getting an e-mail account outside Zimbabwe. I realise that some iafrica.com addresses might actually be located in South Africa, but I have no way of telling that.

Free e-mail accounts are ubiquitous on the Web. Of the more well know, I would recommend Yahoo ( http://mail.yahoo.com ). Hotmail ( http://www.hotmail.com ) is well known, but I don't recommend them. I'm not a fan of Web-based e-mail, and there are other alternatives out there so that you can check your e-mail with the e-mail programme of your choice (e.g., Eudora, Outlook, etc.). If you want to explore this option but need some help, please let me know and I'll be happy to help out.

Once you have a new e-mail address outside the country, let me know what it is and I will remove your old address and add your new one.

Recent messages sent to most of the people on this list have covered the following:

- "A View from Zimbabwe" (thoughts of someone whose livelihood depends directly on farmers).
- Procedures for Zimbabweans seeking Asylum in Australia.
- The invasion of Ian Smith's farm.
- Links to sites with pertinent news and reports not necessarily covered in the mass media.
- Links to sites where people can offer their help to Zimbabweans seeking to leave the country.
- Transcript of interview with Ian Smith on MSNBC.

If you have missed any of these and would like copies, please let me know.

That's all for now. I won't be deluging you with mail (especially already published news reports), but will judiciously send messages to this list. Feel free to forward anything I send to others who you think are interested, or send me stuff that you think should get wide distribution.

Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List

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Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
