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Home | Procedures for Zimbabweans Applying for Asylum in Australia

Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 11:10:11 -0700
From: Craig
Subject: Procedures for Zimbabweans Applying for Asylum in Australia

Hi everyone,

I heard back from the Australian High Commission in Pretoria a lot quicker than I had expected. However, as I expected, I got a canned response. The response was a repeat of what they have on their Web site. Some applicable Web sites, including the canned response, are below:

Australian DIMA Web Site -- http://www.immi.gov.au
Pretoria AHC Web Site -- http://www.immi.gov.au/pretoria
Harare AHC Contact Information -- http://www.immi.gov.au/wwi/index_z.htm
Pretoria AHC Contact Information -- http://www.immi.gov.au/wwi/index_s1.htm#southafrica
DIMA Zimbabwe Announcement (repeated on Pretoria AHC Web site) -- http://www.immi.gov.au/general/zimbabwe.htm

Following are the detailed instructions I had sent to me by someone in Australia regarding the procedures to apply for asylum in Australia. If you are thinking of doing this, you will need to attempt to have these procedures verified locally, as the response from the Pretoria AHC neither confirmed nor denied these procedures.

Please forward this to anyone who you think may be able to use this information. Good luck to any of you who decide to make the application, and please let me know at DELETED how things turn out.



In Zimbabwe:

1. Register with the IRC (International Red Cross) as a potential asylum seeker. (This will strengthen the motivation when applying for refugee status later on.)

2. Contact the Australian High Commission (AHC). Ask to speak to the official who deals with a Type 200 visa and ask that person for the following: Forms 842; 842a; 681; 917 as appropriate. (These may cost in the region of Z$300,00.)


In South Africa:

1. Contact the Flame Lily Foundation (FLF) - Tel and Fax: (012)4602066 for further advice on procedures to be followed.

2. If not already registered in Zimbabwe with the International Red Cross (IRC), apply for registration as an asylum seeker / refugee with the intention of going to Australia.

3. Contact the AHC and ask to speak to the official who deals with Type 200 visas. Obtain the forms required for asylum / refugee status in Australia (if not received in Zimbabwe) and for the details of an Australian-approved medical practitioner for a full medical examination (at own expense). A book containing the relevant forms costs about R50,00.

4. Complete all applicable forms in detail. Assistance can be given by the FLF in compiling the motivation, if required.

5. Hand in all forms and certificates to the applicable official at the AHC in Pretoria.


1. If no queries are raised in Australia, the turnaround for the application should take 10-14 days.

2. An applicant must have less than the equivalent of A$10 000,00 or the applicant and family less than A$20 000,00 altogether.

3. Air fares to Australia for a person granted asylum and his / her family will be provided by the Australian Government at no cost to the applicant.

4. Forms:

Individuals applying for an "asylum visa" must complete 842; dependents and family complete 842a.

Proposers must complete form 681.

5. Appropriate visas are:

200 - refugee visa.

202 - Global Special Humanitarian visa.

6. Application for a 200 or 202 visa can only be applied for and issued outside Australia and the refugee's country of permanent residence. There is no cost attached to these visas.

7. There are certain restrictions and prohibitions if an applicant has previously applied for a visa to Australia, or has been refused an entry visa.

8. Discovery of an inaccurate (untruthful) application could result in subsequent deportation of the applicant and his / her dependents and family from Australia.

NB. This is NOT the procedure offered to Zimbabweans by the Australian Government through the news media. That procedure could result in the forced return of the applicant to Zimbabwe if the reason for issue of the visa no longer applies, as has happened with Kosovar (Albanian) refugees.
