Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 18:44:00 -0700
To: Zimbabwe Independent
From: Craig
Subject: Transcript of Chat Interview with Ian Smith on MSNBC, April 25th, 2000
Host Ian_Smith says:
I'm grateful to have this opportunity to put out a case for my country because we're in a dreadful state of chaos at the moment and trying to put it right.
Question from Mtombo: Do you think the farm seizures are ordered directly by Mugabe?
Host Ian_Smith says:
Yes, there is no doubt that these farm invasions are ordered directly by him and his party. The so-called squatters get their orders on a daily basis and are paid for every day they're out working. They get many takers because there's so much unemployment here. So the majority of these people are part of rent-a-crowd and really have no interest whatsoever in the land.
Question from Nkomo: Why shouldn't the black veterans of the war of independence get some of the land still held by Whites? After all, it was stolen from them in the first place.
Host Ian_Smith says:
That, I'm afraid, is propaganda which is based on fiction. The first inhabitants of this country were the little bushmen. Others came down from the north and displaced them, never paying for the land. After that the Zulus came from South Africa and pushed them out. After that the white premiers came, they came peacefully. An agreement was signed. Subsequently the charter company paid the British government millions of pounds for the land. The story about stealing land is a concoction which is not based on fact.
Host Ian_Smith says:
What we are trying to avoid and other countries in South Africa are also trying to avoid is chaos. If this country goes into chaos it's going to affect the other surrounding countries. We have very clear information that the South African government is concerned and have given the message to Mugabe that they are disenchanted with what he's doing. The farms which have been illegally occupied should be vacated and law and order restored.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from anonymous: Why didn't the white farmers reach out to the opposition to Mugabe earlier, before this became a crisis?
Host Ian_Smith says:
It only came across as when they had the vote on the new constitution and that brought the whole thing to a head because for the first time Mugabe and his government were defeated in a vote. They're now trying to recover and reinstated themselves. The white farmers opposed the new constitution because it infringed on the freedom of the people. Clearly any freedom thinking people opposed to nepotism and politicians lining their own pockets saw this as their last chance to stop this chaos and that's why they got together and decided to support the only opposition party at the time the MDC. Two of the members were killed today and that's on top of others who've also been killed, many mutilated. It's a very sad situation we've found ourselves in.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from The Prodigal Son: Mr. Smith, What do u think will happen to the remaining whites in the capital, Harare? Are they safe? Who will win the elections?
Host Ian_Smith says:
At present the majority of the white people are safe but they have to take precautions. Many of the farmers move into town in the evening and go back into the farm in the morning.
This is jeopardizing farming production. This region has always been the breadbasket of south Africa and we're in danger of losing that now. Not only on the foreign exchange but putting ourselves into the position of not being the breadbasket or feeding our people. I do say that where we have a government that stirred up racial hatred simply to win votes and keep themselves in power, this must go down in history as one of the most evil episodes known in this world.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from The Prodigal Son: I grew up in Zimbabwe (spent 27 years of my life there) what are the chances of having to take out my remaining family that live there? Do u think that could ever happen?
Host Ian_Smith says:
We don't believe that at this stage. We believe it's important that we should be positive and make up our minds that we're going to save this wonderful country. As Mugabe said to me the day he won the election, it's the jewel of Africa. So it's our intention to preserve it. And I think from the pressure we're getting from the rest of the world now, not only from South Africa, but the U.S., Britain, Canada. We believe that it is in the end going to triumph. That's what we're hoping and waiting for.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Marcia: Do you still see a future for whites in Zim?
Host Ian_Smith says:
Yes. Because after all, most of us are white Africans. I think more and more of the world is beginning to understand and appreciate that. In my case, there've been 5 generations of my family in this country, more than Mugabe's. From that point of view I have a greater right to be in this country than he is. I think we're getting the message across that we're part of Africa, we want to make our contribution to the country using our professions skills, experience, technical ability and the white people do have a tremendous amount of these qualities, it's our intention to use those to promote this wonderful land.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Chris Whitehead: Mr. Smith, what can Zimbabweans around the world do to help in this time of tragedy and crisis?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I think the best thing we can ask from Zimbabweans and our friends all over the world, that they must try to stimulate the leaders of the free world countries to continue to mount pressure against the government of this country to restore law and order, to get them to accept the basic freedoms which people are entitled to and they must no longer go on resorting to nepotism, corruption , intimidating people to support them who no longer want to. That's the most constructive contribution that can be made to restore sanity to our country.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Marcia: Is there any truth in the rumor that many farms are in hock, so that the farmers can leave without much loss?
Host Ian_Smith says:
Most of the farmers in their security areas where there is pressure do leave at night and go for security either to other farms or towns if they're nearby. They're being forced to do this because of unfortunate incidents. There've been white farmers murdered, their workers intimidated, beaten up. Clearly they have to take precautions under this situation. There've been crops that have been ruined. This country that's always stood on its own feet is in financial chaos as well
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from anonymous: Do you think Mugabe would be willing to leave office peacefully, or will he precipitate a violence crisis?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I don't think there is any cause for violence. The majority of the people are not interested in violence, they just want a peaceful life so they can bring up and feed their children. The problem is the children go to bed hungry I'm told. I think if Mugabe has to step down it will be because of pressure against him from his own people. I think it can be done peacefully with no violence. And if it can be done peacefully even Mugabe would be stupid to look for violence.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Don J. Knabeschuh: Why do you think this story does not get the attention it deserves, especially in the American press?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I'm not sure what sort of coverage we're getting all over the world, but we are in Britain and Western Europe. Some of my friends in the U.S. tell me we're getting some coverage there. There are so many other problems in the world, problems affecting major powers, so one has to accept this and understand we are not the only power in the world. But if anybody can give ups more publicity, to bring this government to its senses, stop the corruption and intimidation that's going on, every little bit will be gratefully accepted and make a contribution.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Craig Hartnett: What is your opinion of the MDC? Are they a party that you support and recommend to others that they support?
Host Ian_Smith says:
Yes. I am supporting the MDC because they are the strongest opposition party. While they are comparatively new, and I'd like to know more about them and how they're going to perform, because of the situation in which we find ourselves we've got to find the best opposition and I don't think there's any doubt in anyone's mind that they are the best, the strongest with branches throughout the country. We've got get rid of the main enemy, Mugabe.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from brian: What would you have done differently, if you could go back at the time you relinquished control of the government?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I had no option when it came to relinquishing control of the government. When we started on this operation, the British government told us we were the best bet in Africa and wanted us to keep going. When we had a disagreement they said we were a bad government and that, I regret to say is part of politics. They were pressurized by the Organization of African Unity. Let's not pretend politicians are not concerned about convenience and their own future and it was because of that we found ourselves in a situation we had to give way on the principles we believed in. We had to change the system the British government admired and told us they wanted to model the rest of the country on. It involves stories we can't delve into in a brief space of time
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Do you fear for your own safety?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I do talk with my opponents. My friends and family for a long time have been concerned for my safety. I don't allow myself to think about it, because then I might be concerned as well. Above all I think one must be positive, have a clear conscience about what you're doing. I don't have security people, I didn't even when I was prime minister. I think I'd find it difficult to live in a country if I didn't have freedom. That's been one of the guiding principles of my life. If I didn't have freedom that would make me change my course. It's my hope and intention to keep going.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
What one do you want the world to know...
Host Ian_Smith says:
It's difficult to really answer your question because I'm not totally aware of what the media is putting to people in different parts of the world. What I'd like to say is that we always had a constitution which believed in preserving freedom and justice. It was free of racism, despite Mugabe twisting against us. If there were discriminations on a racial line they were more in favor of the black people not the white people. We suffered from our proximity to South Africa and people associated us with apartheid. That was never part of our philosophy or constitution. That's part of what I'd like to emphasize about the race relations in this country.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from kevin: It looks like the economic situation is going to get worse before it gets better. Do you foresee major food shortages, worse fuel shortages, etc.?
Host Ian_Smith says:
We are already suffering fuel shortages, that's simply because this government is bankrupt, they've abused the resources they inherited, using it for their own ends, lining their own pockets, giving jobs with top salaries to friends and comrades to such an extent they've failed to meet their financial commitments. That's one of the main reasons we started running out of fuel. We hope, and they tell us they're making plans to rectify this, to date there are no real signs that things have changed. Because we are the breadbasket of Africa, always produced the best food in Africa. We still have food, but if they go on as they're doing now, keeping farmer's away from their lands, we could arrive at a situation where we'd run out of food, and that would be tragic. People finding it hard to pay for basic foodstuffs now would find it even harder and this is something we can't afford.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Host Ian_Smith says:
Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to put out a few facts about our country. I appreciate any offer to tell the world the truth. I think we can honestly say that's what we always aim to do. What we don't like is being condemned and accused of doing things we've never done. My thanks for this opportunity to put out a few facts and I hope I put them clearly. Thank you very much!
To: Zimbabwe Independent
From: Craig
Subject: Transcript of Chat Interview with Ian Smith on MSNBC, April 25th, 2000
Host Ian_Smith says:
I'm grateful to have this opportunity to put out a case for my country because we're in a dreadful state of chaos at the moment and trying to put it right.
Question from Mtombo: Do you think the farm seizures are ordered directly by Mugabe?
Host Ian_Smith says:
Yes, there is no doubt that these farm invasions are ordered directly by him and his party. The so-called squatters get their orders on a daily basis and are paid for every day they're out working. They get many takers because there's so much unemployment here. So the majority of these people are part of rent-a-crowd and really have no interest whatsoever in the land.
Question from Nkomo: Why shouldn't the black veterans of the war of independence get some of the land still held by Whites? After all, it was stolen from them in the first place.
Host Ian_Smith says:
That, I'm afraid, is propaganda which is based on fiction. The first inhabitants of this country were the little bushmen. Others came down from the north and displaced them, never paying for the land. After that the Zulus came from South Africa and pushed them out. After that the white premiers came, they came peacefully. An agreement was signed. Subsequently the charter company paid the British government millions of pounds for the land. The story about stealing land is a concoction which is not based on fact.
Host Ian_Smith says:
What we are trying to avoid and other countries in South Africa are also trying to avoid is chaos. If this country goes into chaos it's going to affect the other surrounding countries. We have very clear information that the South African government is concerned and have given the message to Mugabe that they are disenchanted with what he's doing. The farms which have been illegally occupied should be vacated and law and order restored.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from anonymous: Why didn't the white farmers reach out to the opposition to Mugabe earlier, before this became a crisis?
Host Ian_Smith says:
It only came across as when they had the vote on the new constitution and that brought the whole thing to a head because for the first time Mugabe and his government were defeated in a vote. They're now trying to recover and reinstated themselves. The white farmers opposed the new constitution because it infringed on the freedom of the people. Clearly any freedom thinking people opposed to nepotism and politicians lining their own pockets saw this as their last chance to stop this chaos and that's why they got together and decided to support the only opposition party at the time the MDC. Two of the members were killed today and that's on top of others who've also been killed, many mutilated. It's a very sad situation we've found ourselves in.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from The Prodigal Son: Mr. Smith, What do u think will happen to the remaining whites in the capital, Harare? Are they safe? Who will win the elections?
Host Ian_Smith says:
At present the majority of the white people are safe but they have to take precautions. Many of the farmers move into town in the evening and go back into the farm in the morning.
This is jeopardizing farming production. This region has always been the breadbasket of south Africa and we're in danger of losing that now. Not only on the foreign exchange but putting ourselves into the position of not being the breadbasket or feeding our people. I do say that where we have a government that stirred up racial hatred simply to win votes and keep themselves in power, this must go down in history as one of the most evil episodes known in this world.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from The Prodigal Son: I grew up in Zimbabwe (spent 27 years of my life there) what are the chances of having to take out my remaining family that live there? Do u think that could ever happen?
Host Ian_Smith says:
We don't believe that at this stage. We believe it's important that we should be positive and make up our minds that we're going to save this wonderful country. As Mugabe said to me the day he won the election, it's the jewel of Africa. So it's our intention to preserve it. And I think from the pressure we're getting from the rest of the world now, not only from South Africa, but the U.S., Britain, Canada. We believe that it is in the end going to triumph. That's what we're hoping and waiting for.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Marcia: Do you still see a future for whites in Zim?
Host Ian_Smith says:
Yes. Because after all, most of us are white Africans. I think more and more of the world is beginning to understand and appreciate that. In my case, there've been 5 generations of my family in this country, more than Mugabe's. From that point of view I have a greater right to be in this country than he is. I think we're getting the message across that we're part of Africa, we want to make our contribution to the country using our professions skills, experience, technical ability and the white people do have a tremendous amount of these qualities, it's our intention to use those to promote this wonderful land.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Chris Whitehead: Mr. Smith, what can Zimbabweans around the world do to help in this time of tragedy and crisis?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I think the best thing we can ask from Zimbabweans and our friends all over the world, that they must try to stimulate the leaders of the free world countries to continue to mount pressure against the government of this country to restore law and order, to get them to accept the basic freedoms which people are entitled to and they must no longer go on resorting to nepotism, corruption , intimidating people to support them who no longer want to. That's the most constructive contribution that can be made to restore sanity to our country.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Marcia: Is there any truth in the rumor that many farms are in hock, so that the farmers can leave without much loss?
Host Ian_Smith says:
Most of the farmers in their security areas where there is pressure do leave at night and go for security either to other farms or towns if they're nearby. They're being forced to do this because of unfortunate incidents. There've been white farmers murdered, their workers intimidated, beaten up. Clearly they have to take precautions under this situation. There've been crops that have been ruined. This country that's always stood on its own feet is in financial chaos as well
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from anonymous: Do you think Mugabe would be willing to leave office peacefully, or will he precipitate a violence crisis?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I don't think there is any cause for violence. The majority of the people are not interested in violence, they just want a peaceful life so they can bring up and feed their children. The problem is the children go to bed hungry I'm told. I think if Mugabe has to step down it will be because of pressure against him from his own people. I think it can be done peacefully with no violence. And if it can be done peacefully even Mugabe would be stupid to look for violence.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Don J. Knabeschuh: Why do you think this story does not get the attention it deserves, especially in the American press?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I'm not sure what sort of coverage we're getting all over the world, but we are in Britain and Western Europe. Some of my friends in the U.S. tell me we're getting some coverage there. There are so many other problems in the world, problems affecting major powers, so one has to accept this and understand we are not the only power in the world. But if anybody can give ups more publicity, to bring this government to its senses, stop the corruption and intimidation that's going on, every little bit will be gratefully accepted and make a contribution.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from Craig Hartnett: What is your opinion of the MDC? Are they a party that you support and recommend to others that they support?
Host Ian_Smith says:
Yes. I am supporting the MDC because they are the strongest opposition party. While they are comparatively new, and I'd like to know more about them and how they're going to perform, because of the situation in which we find ourselves we've got to find the best opposition and I don't think there's any doubt in anyone's mind that they are the best, the strongest with branches throughout the country. We've got get rid of the main enemy, Mugabe.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from brian: What would you have done differently, if you could go back at the time you relinquished control of the government?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I had no option when it came to relinquishing control of the government. When we started on this operation, the British government told us we were the best bet in Africa and wanted us to keep going. When we had a disagreement they said we were a bad government and that, I regret to say is part of politics. They were pressurized by the Organization of African Unity. Let's not pretend politicians are not concerned about convenience and their own future and it was because of that we found ourselves in a situation we had to give way on the principles we believed in. We had to change the system the British government admired and told us they wanted to model the rest of the country on. It involves stories we can't delve into in a brief space of time
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Do you fear for your own safety?
Host Ian_Smith says:
I do talk with my opponents. My friends and family for a long time have been concerned for my safety. I don't allow myself to think about it, because then I might be concerned as well. Above all I think one must be positive, have a clear conscience about what you're doing. I don't have security people, I didn't even when I was prime minister. I think I'd find it difficult to live in a country if I didn't have freedom. That's been one of the guiding principles of my life. If I didn't have freedom that would make me change my course. It's my hope and intention to keep going.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
What one do you want the world to know...
Host Ian_Smith says:
It's difficult to really answer your question because I'm not totally aware of what the media is putting to people in different parts of the world. What I'd like to say is that we always had a constitution which believed in preserving freedom and justice. It was free of racism, despite Mugabe twisting against us. If there were discriminations on a racial line they were more in favor of the black people not the white people. We suffered from our proximity to South Africa and people associated us with apartheid. That was never part of our philosophy or constitution. That's part of what I'd like to emphasize about the race relations in this country.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Question from kevin: It looks like the economic situation is going to get worse before it gets better. Do you foresee major food shortages, worse fuel shortages, etc.?
Host Ian_Smith says:
We are already suffering fuel shortages, that's simply because this government is bankrupt, they've abused the resources they inherited, using it for their own ends, lining their own pockets, giving jobs with top salaries to friends and comrades to such an extent they've failed to meet their financial commitments. That's one of the main reasons we started running out of fuel. We hope, and they tell us they're making plans to rectify this, to date there are no real signs that things have changed. Because we are the breadbasket of Africa, always produced the best food in Africa. We still have food, but if they go on as they're doing now, keeping farmer's away from their lands, we could arrive at a situation where we'd run out of food, and that would be tragic. People finding it hard to pay for basic foodstuffs now would find it even harder and this is something we can't afford.
Host Chris_MSNBC says:
Host Ian_Smith says:
Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to put out a few facts about our country. I appreciate any offer to tell the world the truth. I think we can honestly say that's what we always aim to do. What we don't like is being condemned and accused of doing things we've never done. My thanks for this opportunity to put out a few facts and I hope I put them clearly. Thank you very much!