Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 16:15:42 -0700
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis -- CFU Farm Invasions Update
Cc: "Australian government":;, "British government":;,
"Canadian government":
;, "South African government":;,
Commonwealth:;, Press:;
Hi everyone,
The latest report from the Commercial Farmers' Union is below. For more information or to subscribe to these reports yourself, please see the CFU Web site at .
Farm Invasions Update
Sunday 28th May 2000
Mashonaland West North
Chinhoyi area mainly quiet. Two farm workers were dismissed at Mayama Farm. They felt the dismissal unjust and broke into the homestead. Police arrived and the dispute was resolved. A Chief in the Chinhoyi area is selling properties for $500 each.
Karoi - Suspected poaching still going on, theft of maize and heifers - no police action to date. Coast Hesketh Park school has no teachers and has not been operative since the 19th. Work stoppages on Foliot and Helwyn farms where war veteran Jimmy said to the farmer "I'm trained to kill". When labour from Foliot went to help on Helwyn farm, they were forced to go into the dam, roll on the ground and then subjected to further torture from war veterans and Zanu PF members. Intimidation of labour in compounds, and blackmail is on the increase as a result of a cow being given to the war veterans by Jenya farm, neighbours are receiving similar demands, no intervention by local police. The farmer has stopped roaming the land the veterans had previously agreed to let him farm, labour rounded up and intimidated by Zanu youth and war veterans. Quail farm - war veterans arrived in a bakkie on 25th and demanded to see a map of the farm, tried to invade it but were put off by the farmer. Fourwinds - Zanu PF rally on 26th, intimidation of labour. Kevelyn Farm - beatings and assaults in compound, foreman told to leave his job and was forced to swim in the dam and then roll in dirt, and then assaulted. Muchbinding - demands for food and transport to a rally were denied, the farmer received threats that they would retaliate as they were receiving such assistance from a neighbouring farm. A farmer from Karoi North used the local war veteran leader to help find out who was stealing his maize, and was lead to a local grinding mill businessman. Lucky Crown - workers' chairman and farm clerk intimidated. Threats to return with support from Karoi township tonight to beat them as they are accused of being MDC supporters. Pele farm - Zanu PF visited labour and are getting them to register to vote and apply for national ID's, intimidation continues. Yawanda - guard threatened to be beaten up by Zanu PF youth despite being told by war veterans it was alright to carry a weapon.
Mashonaland West South
27 May: Selous/Norton - a threatening crowd at Norwood farm. The owner was away, the neighbour received a death threat. Police unavailable to come out. The situation appears to have defused itself. There were approx. 60 people that went through the Lion and Cheetah park demanding food, transport for a rally, soft drinks and money. 100kg of meat was taken and $1000 in lieu of the soft drinks was conceded. There was a further visit this morning and transport had to be sent to a rally. Police have not reacted up to now. Norton - Idaho farm - the owner has been asked to come back and has done so. The owner has been told that he and his family will not be killed and there appears to be new war veteran leadership on the farm. A lot of other farmers have had to provide transport for rallies unwillingly. Chakari - there have also been demands for transport to rallies.
Mashonaland East
Macheke/Virginia - There is to be a meeting at 2.00 p.m. and the vehicle being used to transport people to the meeting has broken down and Nick Anrold is trying to get it going. Otherwise, all is quiet. Marondera South - Local war veterans threatened to return to Mr Hacking's area to continue pegging, but nothing has happened yet. Rest of area is quiet. Marondera North - All quiet. Beatrice/Harare South - The wheat planting saga on Mr Searson's farm was resolved yesterday thanks to the local war veteran Hodzi. Neighbourhood Watch patrols working well and have cut down on theft in the area. Wedza - Unable to make contact at time of sending. Featherstone - The owner of Bernadesveel Farm received a letter on Friday, contents unknown, but was enough to make him leave the farm. Bromley, Ruwa, Goromonzi - Rally to be held at Bromley Primary School to be addressed by Seke's Zanu PF candidate. Rally to be held at Mashonganyika Farm - guest speaker unknown. Rest of area quiet. Enterprise - New invasions on Marsala Farm by Mashonaland Central Base Commander Chifamba under the command of Mashonaland Central Provincial Member Chicoo, the overall commander Chinotimba from Harare. General low profile rallies being held on various farms but all peaceful.
Mashonaland Central
Centenary - Wheat irrigation and land prep had still not been re-established by midday on Sharon and Mount Parnis farms but negotiations are in progress. The owner of Nyamanetsa has been prevented from preparing tobacco seedbeds. Tsatsi: There were two non-hostile re- visits yesterday afternoon - Montgomery and Holme Eden. Mazowe/Glendale: Six aggressive invaders were taken by police to ZRP Mazowe from Harmony Farm last night for questioning in relation to assaults of workers, extortion of money and the use of a farm bicycle. The six were released after questioning and spent the rest of the night demonstrating on the veranda at Harmony Farm. ZRP Mazowe were helpful in defusing the situation by negotiation this morning. There have been demands for food and transport for a rally at Villa Franca today.
There was a non-hostile re-invasion of Woodlands Farm by a group of 40 yesterday.
Area all quiet. Waiting for update from the conservancy.
All quiet at time of report.
No report received at time of sending.
Generally quiet, some pegging continues but no major violence. One farmer in Kwekwe has received a death threat and the confiscation of arms seems to be quieting down. There was a Zanu PF rally in Gweru yesterday where there was a threat for pegging to start on Muzure Ranch, but nothing has happened as yet.
Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List
This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting those people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence.
Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Comprehensive news updates --
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans --
- Commercial Farmers' Union --
- Movement for Democratic Change --
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust --
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals --
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis -- CFU Farm Invasions Update
Cc: "Australian government":;, "British government":;,
"Canadian government":
;, "South African government":;,
Commonwealth:;, Press:;
Hi everyone,
The latest report from the Commercial Farmers' Union is below. For more information or to subscribe to these reports yourself, please see the CFU Web site at .
Farm Invasions Update
Sunday 28th May 2000
Mashonaland West North
Chinhoyi area mainly quiet. Two farm workers were dismissed at Mayama Farm. They felt the dismissal unjust and broke into the homestead. Police arrived and the dispute was resolved. A Chief in the Chinhoyi area is selling properties for $500 each.
Karoi - Suspected poaching still going on, theft of maize and heifers - no police action to date. Coast Hesketh Park school has no teachers and has not been operative since the 19th. Work stoppages on Foliot and Helwyn farms where war veteran Jimmy said to the farmer "I'm trained to kill". When labour from Foliot went to help on Helwyn farm, they were forced to go into the dam, roll on the ground and then subjected to further torture from war veterans and Zanu PF members. Intimidation of labour in compounds, and blackmail is on the increase as a result of a cow being given to the war veterans by Jenya farm, neighbours are receiving similar demands, no intervention by local police. The farmer has stopped roaming the land the veterans had previously agreed to let him farm, labour rounded up and intimidated by Zanu youth and war veterans. Quail farm - war veterans arrived in a bakkie on 25th and demanded to see a map of the farm, tried to invade it but were put off by the farmer. Fourwinds - Zanu PF rally on 26th, intimidation of labour. Kevelyn Farm - beatings and assaults in compound, foreman told to leave his job and was forced to swim in the dam and then roll in dirt, and then assaulted. Muchbinding - demands for food and transport to a rally were denied, the farmer received threats that they would retaliate as they were receiving such assistance from a neighbouring farm. A farmer from Karoi North used the local war veteran leader to help find out who was stealing his maize, and was lead to a local grinding mill businessman. Lucky Crown - workers' chairman and farm clerk intimidated. Threats to return with support from Karoi township tonight to beat them as they are accused of being MDC supporters. Pele farm - Zanu PF visited labour and are getting them to register to vote and apply for national ID's, intimidation continues. Yawanda - guard threatened to be beaten up by Zanu PF youth despite being told by war veterans it was alright to carry a weapon.
Mashonaland West South
27 May: Selous/Norton - a threatening crowd at Norwood farm. The owner was away, the neighbour received a death threat. Police unavailable to come out. The situation appears to have defused itself. There were approx. 60 people that went through the Lion and Cheetah park demanding food, transport for a rally, soft drinks and money. 100kg of meat was taken and $1000 in lieu of the soft drinks was conceded. There was a further visit this morning and transport had to be sent to a rally. Police have not reacted up to now. Norton - Idaho farm - the owner has been asked to come back and has done so. The owner has been told that he and his family will not be killed and there appears to be new war veteran leadership on the farm. A lot of other farmers have had to provide transport for rallies unwillingly. Chakari - there have also been demands for transport to rallies.
Mashonaland East
Macheke/Virginia - There is to be a meeting at 2.00 p.m. and the vehicle being used to transport people to the meeting has broken down and Nick Anrold is trying to get it going. Otherwise, all is quiet. Marondera South - Local war veterans threatened to return to Mr Hacking's area to continue pegging, but nothing has happened yet. Rest of area is quiet. Marondera North - All quiet. Beatrice/Harare South - The wheat planting saga on Mr Searson's farm was resolved yesterday thanks to the local war veteran Hodzi. Neighbourhood Watch patrols working well and have cut down on theft in the area. Wedza - Unable to make contact at time of sending. Featherstone - The owner of Bernadesveel Farm received a letter on Friday, contents unknown, but was enough to make him leave the farm. Bromley, Ruwa, Goromonzi - Rally to be held at Bromley Primary School to be addressed by Seke's Zanu PF candidate. Rally to be held at Mashonganyika Farm - guest speaker unknown. Rest of area quiet. Enterprise - New invasions on Marsala Farm by Mashonaland Central Base Commander Chifamba under the command of Mashonaland Central Provincial Member Chicoo, the overall commander Chinotimba from Harare. General low profile rallies being held on various farms but all peaceful.
Mashonaland Central
Centenary - Wheat irrigation and land prep had still not been re-established by midday on Sharon and Mount Parnis farms but negotiations are in progress. The owner of Nyamanetsa has been prevented from preparing tobacco seedbeds. Tsatsi: There were two non-hostile re- visits yesterday afternoon - Montgomery and Holme Eden. Mazowe/Glendale: Six aggressive invaders were taken by police to ZRP Mazowe from Harmony Farm last night for questioning in relation to assaults of workers, extortion of money and the use of a farm bicycle. The six were released after questioning and spent the rest of the night demonstrating on the veranda at Harmony Farm. ZRP Mazowe were helpful in defusing the situation by negotiation this morning. There have been demands for food and transport for a rally at Villa Franca today.
There was a non-hostile re-invasion of Woodlands Farm by a group of 40 yesterday.
Area all quiet. Waiting for update from the conservancy.
All quiet at time of report.
No report received at time of sending.
Generally quiet, some pegging continues but no major violence. One farmer in Kwekwe has received a death threat and the confiscation of arms seems to be quieting down. There was a Zanu PF rally in Gweru yesterday where there was a threat for pegging to start on Muzure Ranch, but nothing has happened as yet.
Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List
This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting those people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence.
Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Comprehensive news updates --
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans --
- Commercial Farmers' Union --
- Movement for Democratic Change --
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust --
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals --