Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 07:15:57 -0700
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#65 -- Election Bulletin #1 -- Kwe Kwe Quiet
Cc: "NG organisations":;, "African press":;
Hi everyone,
The first (and so far only) report I have received. If you're in Zimbabwe and have a moment to let me know how it's going in your area, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks.
Just to let you know that Kwekwe at least is very quiet and orderly at present. I voted at 1000 after standing in a queue for nearly an hour. The monitors were evident and police removed any groups of youth that looked as though they wanted to cause trouble. I have had no feed back from the high density areas, but hopefully things are under control there too.
Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List
This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations (or their representatives) will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence.
Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List Archives --
- Comprehensive news updates --
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans --
- Commercial Farmers' Union --
- Movement for Democratic Change --
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust --
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals --
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#65 -- Election Bulletin #1 -- Kwe Kwe Quiet
Cc: "NG organisations":;, "African press":;
Hi everyone,
The first (and so far only) report I have received. If you're in Zimbabwe and have a moment to let me know how it's going in your area, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks.
Just to let you know that Kwekwe at least is very quiet and orderly at present. I voted at 1000 after standing in a queue for nearly an hour. The monitors were evident and police removed any groups of youth that looked as though they wanted to cause trouble. I have had no feed back from the high density areas, but hopefully things are under control there too.
Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List
This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations (or their representatives) will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence.
Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List Archives --
- Comprehensive news updates --
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans --
- Commercial Farmers' Union --
- Movement for Democratic Change --
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust --
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals --