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Home | ZimCrisis#77 -- More Death Threats

Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 16:52:01 -0700
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#77 -- More Death Threats
Cc: "Australian government":;, "British government":;,
"Canadian government":
;, "South African government":;,
"US government":;, Commonwealth:;, "NG organisations":;,
"African press":;, "Foreign press":;

Hi everyone,

As I said in my last message, the death threats and farm invasions continue.


Can you believe it? We are still receiving death threats and now the squatters are pegging on the farms once more. Over the weekend we received more death threats. At first we a little weary of bringing in the reaction unit as we have a house full of American clients and we did not want to scare them. The death threats were repeated with threats to burn us out and kill certain of the workers. We did get the reaction unit and kept them low profile away from the visitors and continued to have an escape plan in the ready in case anything should break. The workers have been so scared they have slept in the bush. (It is winter and the last few days have been very cold.) Today is Tuesday and nothing has happened, I believe it was a lemon. Thank goodness. I wish it would end. MDC are eager to sort out the problems in this area, but at the moment their hands are tied. Mugabe can rule by decree until the beginning of August. I believe that there will be a lot of opposition to him doing that as everybody is eager to get on with their life.

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Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List Archives -- http://www.niner.net/zimcrisis
- Comprehensive news updates -- http://www.1freespace.com/beetee
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans -- http://pub9.ezboard.com/boffersofhelp
- Commercial Farmers' Union -- http://www.mweb.co.zw/cfu
- Movement for Democratic Change -- http://www.in2zw.com/mdc
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust -- http://www.zimbabwedemocracytrust.org
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals -- http://www.bsaphq.f9.co.uk
