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Home | ZimCrisis#89 -- Protest the ZRP's Inaction

Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 13:56:31 -0700
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#89 -- Protest the ZRP's Inaction

Please consider making the time to write letters of protest to the ZRP regarding their disgraceful disregard of their duty to uphold the rule of law in Zimbabwe during the run-up to and for the duration of the recent elections. The following should be considered:

- The Police are meant to protect people.
- The Police are largely funded by tax payers' money.
- The Police are not meant to uphold an unpopular Government and act on behalf of the ruling party, they are supposed to treat all citizens equally.
- Zimbabweans have been murdered, raped, severely assaulted, had their property and homes destroyed and their democratic right to vote seriously impeded if not completely curtailed.
- Remember that you, the Police, have to be accountable for all the actions you take whether they are obstructive or constructive.
- Remember that you, the Police, can be prosecuted for failing to take action in the maintenance of law and order.

Consider emphasising the fact that the ZRP must vigorously investigate all politically motivated crime and bring the perpetrators to book.

The ZRP must regain the respect of the Zimbabwean people.

Even a few letters to selected constituencies where electoral violence went unchecked would be extremely valuable.


Bev Clark

Suggested wording for a letter is attached in the form of a plain text file. Simply edit to insert the address(es) of the police station(s) to which you are sending the letter, print and post. You can also copy and paste the contents into your favourite word processor. Of course, considering the conduct of the Police, if you are in Zimbabwe you might want to carefully consider whether or not you actually provide your name and address! -Craig

Police Station Addresses:

The Officer in Charge,

Beatrice Police Station, PO Box 50, Beatrice
Beitbridge Police Station, PO Box 62, Beitbridge
Bindura Police Station, PO Box 120, Bindura
Bulawayo General Police HQ, PO Box 701, Bulawayo
Centenary Police Station, PO Box 16, Centenary
Chakari Police Station, PO Box 100, Chakari
Chatsworth Police Station, PO Box 6, Chatsworth
Chegutu Police Station, PO Box 98, Chegutu
Chimanimani Police Station, Chimanimani Village, PO Chimanimani
Chinhoyi Police Station, PO Box 292, Chinhoyi
Chiredzi Police Station, PO Chiredzi
Chirundu Police Station, PO Chirundu
Chisumbanje Police Station, PO Checheche
Chitungwiza Police Station, PO Chitungwiza
Chivu Police Station, PO Box 96, Chivu
Concession Police Station, PO Box 80, Concession
Darwendale Police Station, PO Box 21, Darwendale
Dete Police Station, PO Dete
Esigodini Police Station, PO Esigodini
Figtree Police Station, PO Box 61, Figtree
Filabusi Police Station, PO Filabusi
Gokwe Police Station, PO Box 10, Gokwe
Guruve Police Station, PO Box 30, Guruve
Gweru Police Station, PO Box 64, Gweru
Hauna Police Station, PO Box 10, Hauna
Headlands Police Station, PO Headlands
Hwange Police Station, PO Box 1, Hwange
Jerera Police Station, PO Zaka
Kadoma Central Police Station, PO Box 480, Kadoma
Kariba Police Station, PO Box 94, Kariba
Karoi Police Station, PO Box 60, Karoi
Kwekwe Police Station, PO Box 121, Kwekwe
Marondera Police Station, PO Box 710, Marondera
Masvingo Police Station, PO Box 125, Masvingo
Mataga Police Station, PO Box 100, Mberengwa
Mazowe Police Station, PO Box 50, Mazowe
Middle Sabi Police Station, PO Box 161, Chipinge
Mount Darwin Police Station, PO Box 98, Mount Darwin
Murambinda Police Station, PO Buhera
Murewa Police Station, PO Box 59, Murewa
Mutare Central Police Station, PO Box 188, Mutare
Mutoko Police Station, PO Box 50, Mutoko
Mvurwi Police Station, PO Box 90, Mvurwi
Norton Police Station, PO Box 68, Norton
Raffingora Police Station, PO Raffingora
Shamva Police Station, PO Box 60, Shamva
Shurugwi Police Station, PO Box 114, Shurugwi
Tsholotsho Police Station, PO Tsholotsho
Zvishavane Police Station, PO Box 96, Zvishavane

Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List

This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations (or their representatives) will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence. Any reports from respondents that are relayed to the mailing list will be done so anonymously.

Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List Archives -- http://www.niner.net/zimcrisis
- Comprehensive news updates -- http://www.1freespace.com/beetee
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans -- http://pub9.ezboard.com/boffersofhelp
- Commercial Farmers' Union -- http://www.mweb.co.zw/cfu
- Movement for Democratic Change -- http://www.in2zw.com/mdc
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust -- http://www.zimbabwedemocracytrust.org
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals -- http://www.bsaphq.f9.co.uk


{Your Name}
{Your Address}


The Officer Commanding
Zimbabwe Republic Police
{Replace with Police Station Name}
{Replace with Police Station Address}

Dear Sir:

It is a matter of grave concern to all law abiding citizens that the Zimbabwe Republic Police have disregarded and blatantly failed to attempt to uphold the rule of law in Zimbabwe during the run-up to, for the duration of, and since the recent elections.

The Police should consider the following points:

- The Police have a constitutional duty and legal responsibility to protect people and uphold the law.
- The Police swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution and not to a political party.
- The Police are funded by tax payers' money for the purpose of protecting the people.
- The Police are expected to be apolitical and are not meant to act solely on behalf of one particular political party.
- Zimbabweans have been murdered, raped, severely assaulted, had their property and homes destroyed, and their democratic right to vote seriously impeded if not completely curtailed, without any action or response by the Police.
- The Police have a legal and constitutional responsibility and duty to accept and act on reports of the above nature.
- The ZRP has a legal duty to vigorously investigate all politically motivated crime and bring the perpetrators to book.
- The ZRP must regain the respect of the Zimbabwean people and restore professional conduct.

It cannot be considered acceptable that the Police have allowed members of the ruling political party to break the law with impunity and without any action to contain the problem by the Police. That property and homes are destroyed and the Police refuse to accept or confirm a report, let alone investigate the matter, is not the standard of maintenance of the law that is expected from the ZRP.

The Police should not be proud of the manner in which they have served their country and its citizens since April 1st 2000. The people of Zimbabwe expect and deserve better.

Yours faithfully,

{Your Name}
