Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 15:53:19 -0700
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#106 -- CFU Farm Invasion Report, July 21st
Since the 12th July 2000, 70 unofficial eviction notices and death threats have been received, and in the last 2 days, over 50 work stoppages have occurred nationwide.
Centenary - War vets are in the process pegging land on various farms. War vets have stop tractors doing land preparation on Nyamanetsa Farm. The manager on Westbury Farm has been evicted from his house by 40 war vets. The tractor driver on Kingstone Devril Farm has been threatened if he tries to continue land preparation. The owner of Rianbuck has been accused of giving a death threat to a war vet, George. The owner of Ria Dora would not allow war vets to stay with in his security fence, they retaliated by having a all night pungwe. Police responded to the incident at Casa Mia yesterday afternoon and the owner was allowed to leave the property. War vets are to move livestock on today and start land prep. Several farms in the area were earmarked by war vets for pegging for immediate resettlement. The owner of Dundwe has been told that no work for next year's crop will be allowed.
Horseshoe - Various war vets have stated that they have a different mission to the Government. Police and war vet leaders are visiting farms in an attempt to resolve eviction orders. The owner of Mazooma has received a 7 day eviction notice. The owner of Flame lily received an eviction notice which he refused to sign, and he is awaiting a response by the police.
Mvurwi - A correction to yesterdays sitrep: Chenenga (Mtepatepa) should be replaced with Piedmont. The labour on Four Streams Farm have been hostile towards war vets. Approximately 40 War vets have started pegging on M'sonneddi Farm.
Glendale - The situation on Mukoko Farm is stable and pegging is ongoing.
Mutepatepa - There has been a new invasion of approximately 150 war vets on Crewkerne, but no demands yet.
Mazowe/Concession - There is still a large presence at Dorking.
Shamva - The owner of Woodlands A had war vets at his gate last night, police did not react, but should be going out there today.
Harare West/Nyabira - Approximately 50 war vets mostly woman are threatening to close down the factory on Stockade Farm (Richard Wiles). They have surveyed the land started pegging and have taken a list of the names of the factory workers and promising them a piece of land.
Victory Block - The war vet leader is giving the labour a hard time on Wye Farm. There is a heavy presence on Vivelkia. The owner has not been allowed to return to the farm, but was attempting a return today. There has been a theft in the orange orchards on Prangmere.
Marondera North - The area is much quieter than yesterday where the war vets are still present, and they are not aggressive as yesterday. On Rupture the farm labour had a meeting where they decided they were not going to be told what to do. They have returned to work, against the war vets' will.
Harare South/Beatrice - The area has been a lot quieter but the Joyce Mine saga is ongoing. Stoneridge Farm is closing down after pastures have been burnt and threats to burn more have been made. Plots were demarcated on the farm and sold for $50 each, and if not occupied within 2 days are resold. 13 families from nearby townships have occupied their plots. The rest of the area has the usual hassles and demands and pegging. On the old Blackfordby Farm, there have been disruptions to work.
Wedza - Farm invaders are still refusing to allow pre-irrigation of tobacco lands and the building of Blair toilets on Rupaka Farm. The Wedza police Member In Charge escorted war vet Chigwadere to Rupaka. The game park section to date has had serious losses through poaching. At present a sable bull and tessabee are missing. There are daily problems with fencing. Chigwadere went on to threaten the farmers that if the invaders pegs or houses were touched the farmers would be committing suicide. The owner of Fair Adventure has had to lease grazing for 400+ head as farm invaders make it untenable to use some parts of the farm. Poaching involving dogs is on the increase. On Iamba 19 people mentioned yesterday who were arrested were charged a $200,00 fine. Numbers are increasing. On Chakadenga the game fence has been cut in numerous places. On Devon Chirinda is organising to come and peg areas where another war vet Chipangani has already pegged. Msasa trees continue to be cut down on Bristol, and new houses continue to be built on Shaka. Laurel was pegged yesterday by the war vets of Poltimore.
Macheke/Virginia - There are now 19 work stoppages in the area. The head war vet was in a meeting with the police at the time of writing.
Raffingora - 5 war vets from Bassett pegged out Bassett, Mapinga, Nchefu, Nyarapinda, Marasha and Mvuradona Farms. They said that they would be leaving a presence on each property. 18 pegged Raffingora Estate, Minnehaha, Allan Grange, Murere and Erewhon Farms earlier in the week, and Mete and SS Farms on the 19th. Numbers are escalating on Cornrise Farm, and occupiers have brought livestock onto the farm. War vets on Mafuta are peaceful but making small requests continuously. Permanent structures have been built and cattle brought onto Chiwe Farm, and occupiers on Kelston Park/Great Gain are threatening to bring on more people. This morning there were work stoppages on Katawa, Bassett, Dedi Farm.
Selous - There is police presence on Wicklow as invaders have threatened to move in to the homestead today. They have demanded that cattle be moved off. Mount Carmel has had pedestrian gate posts knocked town to facilitate scotch carts passing through.
Kadoma - Police have removed invaders on Coryton. Pegging continues elsewhere.
Chegutu - A very large mob have visited Oldham Estates and are making their way down Concession Hill road with purpose. Clevedon are having problems with a group trying to get in to the homestead. Police have been notified.
Norton - One farm has not been allowed to carry on with land prep or watering of seed beds for a number of days now. This is being reported to Propol.
Report to be included in tomorrow's sitrep.
On Wednesday a meeting was held on one property between the farm directors and the local leader of the war vets. The war vet leader demanded that an agreement be drawn up giving them the right to move on to the farm as it is not on the list to be designated. This was declined by the directors. Otherwise the region is quiet.
No report.
On Beacon Kop farm occupiers started a veld fire while burning stumps from their tree cutting and refused to put it out unless ordered by Dr Hunzvi. Last night they cut the two telephone lines. Police have been informed and the PTC will repair the lines. Hyrcania Estate was visited by 3 who were very hostile. A weapon, which looked to the workers like some kind of machine gun on a tripod, was seen in the vehicle. They asked the foreman about labour issues and had a list of other farms to be visited including Corrangamite and Boulder Beacon. They did not seem to want to visit properties already occupied by war vets. Visit seems to tie up with a visit to Umhlali 2 days ago.
Farm sitter required in Beatrice from August 16th - September 3rd , 2000. Please contact 065 251 for further details.
Accommodation in UK for Zimbabwe Farmers
As part of an initiative by the Country Landowners in England offers of accommodation for a holiday or in some cases longer stays have been made for Zimbabwe farmers and their families. Details of these offers can be made available should anyone be interested. Funds have also been collected to assist farmers with public transport costs from the airport to destination. Contact Jan Wentworth or Nicky Petersen at Phone 309800, Fax 309874 e mail or .
Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List
This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations (or their representatives) will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence. Any reports from respondents that are relayed to the mailing list will be done so anonymously.
Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Zimbabwe Crisis mailing list archives --
- Comprehensive news updates --
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans --
- Commercial Farmers' Union --
- Movement for Democratic Change --
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust --
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals --
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#106 -- CFU Farm Invasion Report, July 21st
Since the 12th July 2000, 70 unofficial eviction notices and death threats have been received, and in the last 2 days, over 50 work stoppages have occurred nationwide.
Centenary - War vets are in the process pegging land on various farms. War vets have stop tractors doing land preparation on Nyamanetsa Farm. The manager on Westbury Farm has been evicted from his house by 40 war vets. The tractor driver on Kingstone Devril Farm has been threatened if he tries to continue land preparation. The owner of Rianbuck has been accused of giving a death threat to a war vet, George. The owner of Ria Dora would not allow war vets to stay with in his security fence, they retaliated by having a all night pungwe. Police responded to the incident at Casa Mia yesterday afternoon and the owner was allowed to leave the property. War vets are to move livestock on today and start land prep. Several farms in the area were earmarked by war vets for pegging for immediate resettlement. The owner of Dundwe has been told that no work for next year's crop will be allowed.
Horseshoe - Various war vets have stated that they have a different mission to the Government. Police and war vet leaders are visiting farms in an attempt to resolve eviction orders. The owner of Mazooma has received a 7 day eviction notice. The owner of Flame lily received an eviction notice which he refused to sign, and he is awaiting a response by the police.
Mvurwi - A correction to yesterdays sitrep: Chenenga (Mtepatepa) should be replaced with Piedmont. The labour on Four Streams Farm have been hostile towards war vets. Approximately 40 War vets have started pegging on M'sonneddi Farm.
Glendale - The situation on Mukoko Farm is stable and pegging is ongoing.
Mutepatepa - There has been a new invasion of approximately 150 war vets on Crewkerne, but no demands yet.
Mazowe/Concession - There is still a large presence at Dorking.
Shamva - The owner of Woodlands A had war vets at his gate last night, police did not react, but should be going out there today.
Harare West/Nyabira - Approximately 50 war vets mostly woman are threatening to close down the factory on Stockade Farm (Richard Wiles). They have surveyed the land started pegging and have taken a list of the names of the factory workers and promising them a piece of land.
Victory Block - The war vet leader is giving the labour a hard time on Wye Farm. There is a heavy presence on Vivelkia. The owner has not been allowed to return to the farm, but was attempting a return today. There has been a theft in the orange orchards on Prangmere.
Marondera North - The area is much quieter than yesterday where the war vets are still present, and they are not aggressive as yesterday. On Rupture the farm labour had a meeting where they decided they were not going to be told what to do. They have returned to work, against the war vets' will.
Harare South/Beatrice - The area has been a lot quieter but the Joyce Mine saga is ongoing. Stoneridge Farm is closing down after pastures have been burnt and threats to burn more have been made. Plots were demarcated on the farm and sold for $50 each, and if not occupied within 2 days are resold. 13 families from nearby townships have occupied their plots. The rest of the area has the usual hassles and demands and pegging. On the old Blackfordby Farm, there have been disruptions to work.
Wedza - Farm invaders are still refusing to allow pre-irrigation of tobacco lands and the building of Blair toilets on Rupaka Farm. The Wedza police Member In Charge escorted war vet Chigwadere to Rupaka. The game park section to date has had serious losses through poaching. At present a sable bull and tessabee are missing. There are daily problems with fencing. Chigwadere went on to threaten the farmers that if the invaders pegs or houses were touched the farmers would be committing suicide. The owner of Fair Adventure has had to lease grazing for 400+ head as farm invaders make it untenable to use some parts of the farm. Poaching involving dogs is on the increase. On Iamba 19 people mentioned yesterday who were arrested were charged a $200,00 fine. Numbers are increasing. On Chakadenga the game fence has been cut in numerous places. On Devon Chirinda is organising to come and peg areas where another war vet Chipangani has already pegged. Msasa trees continue to be cut down on Bristol, and new houses continue to be built on Shaka. Laurel was pegged yesterday by the war vets of Poltimore.
Macheke/Virginia - There are now 19 work stoppages in the area. The head war vet was in a meeting with the police at the time of writing.
Raffingora - 5 war vets from Bassett pegged out Bassett, Mapinga, Nchefu, Nyarapinda, Marasha and Mvuradona Farms. They said that they would be leaving a presence on each property. 18 pegged Raffingora Estate, Minnehaha, Allan Grange, Murere and Erewhon Farms earlier in the week, and Mete and SS Farms on the 19th. Numbers are escalating on Cornrise Farm, and occupiers have brought livestock onto the farm. War vets on Mafuta are peaceful but making small requests continuously. Permanent structures have been built and cattle brought onto Chiwe Farm, and occupiers on Kelston Park/Great Gain are threatening to bring on more people. This morning there were work stoppages on Katawa, Bassett, Dedi Farm.
Selous - There is police presence on Wicklow as invaders have threatened to move in to the homestead today. They have demanded that cattle be moved off. Mount Carmel has had pedestrian gate posts knocked town to facilitate scotch carts passing through.
Kadoma - Police have removed invaders on Coryton. Pegging continues elsewhere.
Chegutu - A very large mob have visited Oldham Estates and are making their way down Concession Hill road with purpose. Clevedon are having problems with a group trying to get in to the homestead. Police have been notified.
Norton - One farm has not been allowed to carry on with land prep or watering of seed beds for a number of days now. This is being reported to Propol.
Report to be included in tomorrow's sitrep.
On Wednesday a meeting was held on one property between the farm directors and the local leader of the war vets. The war vet leader demanded that an agreement be drawn up giving them the right to move on to the farm as it is not on the list to be designated. This was declined by the directors. Otherwise the region is quiet.
No report.
On Beacon Kop farm occupiers started a veld fire while burning stumps from their tree cutting and refused to put it out unless ordered by Dr Hunzvi. Last night they cut the two telephone lines. Police have been informed and the PTC will repair the lines. Hyrcania Estate was visited by 3 who were very hostile. A weapon, which looked to the workers like some kind of machine gun on a tripod, was seen in the vehicle. They asked the foreman about labour issues and had a list of other farms to be visited including Corrangamite and Boulder Beacon. They did not seem to want to visit properties already occupied by war vets. Visit seems to tie up with a visit to Umhlali 2 days ago.
Farm sitter required in Beatrice from August 16th - September 3rd , 2000. Please contact 065 251 for further details.
Accommodation in UK for Zimbabwe Farmers
As part of an initiative by the Country Landowners in England offers of accommodation for a holiday or in some cases longer stays have been made for Zimbabwe farmers and their families. Details of these offers can be made available should anyone be interested. Funds have also been collected to assist farmers with public transport costs from the airport to destination. Contact Jan Wentworth or Nicky Petersen at Phone 309800, Fax 309874 e mail or .
Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List
This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations (or their representatives) will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence. Any reports from respondents that are relayed to the mailing list will be done so anonymously.
Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Zimbabwe Crisis mailing list archives --
- Comprehensive news updates --
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans --
- Commercial Farmers' Union --
- Movement for Democratic Change --
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust --
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals --