Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 10:28:37 -0700
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#143 -- Post Election Violence and Intimidation
Of major concern to the MDC and to the people of Zimbabwe, is the ongoing violence and intimidation throughout the country, in both urban and rural constituencies. Whereas the country had expected a return to normality and a serious attempt by the new government to reverse the damage that had been wrought by the Zanu PF election campaign, there has instead been a widening and an intensification of the systematic and state sponsored abrogation of civil rights in Zimbabwe.
Of gravest concern has been the deployment of the police force, backed by units of the army, within the high density suburbs of Harare and Kwekwe. 30 June. Unnamed MDC members wearing MDC t-shirts were assaulted by ZNA and received head injuries from batons and rifle butts in Harare, Mabvuku and Makwavarara SC. ZNA continued harassing Mabvuku residents throughout the night.
29-30 June. In Kwekwe, Redcliff and Torwood, MDC supporters were assaulted in night clubs by ZNA and ZRP Support Unit.
29-30 June. Unnamed MDC members assaulted in night clubs in Chitungwiza.
1 July. Unnamed MDC members assaulted with rifle butts, sustaining head injuries in Harare, Mabvuku, Kamunhu SC, Moonlight Night Club.
1 July. Edwin Mushoriwa, the newly elected MP for Dzivaresekwa, and other MDC members were stopped by ZNA and assaulted with rifle butts causing head and facial injuries.
The incidences of violence, intimidation and retribution have been widespread throughout the country and hereafter follows a list of incidents reported by members of the MDC. This list should in no way be considered to be exhaustive but merely indicative of the harassment being experienced by the people of Zimbabwe.
Also included with this list is a chronicle of the events reported on commercial farms throughout the country. Where, once again, the harassment of Zimbabwean citizens attempting to conduct their lives and their businesses has intensified in the weeks after the election. This chronicles the more pertinent events in a widespread invasion of farms, that has seen a massive upsurge in the pegging of farms with the attendant threats and demands that owners close down, vacate, supply food, transport and accommodation. There is large-scale cutting of trees, snaring and theft of fencing and of livestock.
An analysis of pre-election violence on commercial farms details 7220 human rights violations against farm workers and farm owners. The direct cost of these invasions is estimated to be Z$ 430 000 000. These figures do not include events post election.
The country has begun to witness the closure of farming areas en bloc as a non-confrontational attempt to highlight the gravity of the situation in these areas. The ZRP continues to react to the best of their ability, but it is obvious that their mandate to police this crisis is compromised by directives emanating from the office of the President of Zimbabwe.
The continued destabilization of the agro-economy, and a selective and partisan application of the rule of law can only bring more stoppages and eventual failure of Zimbabwe society.
26 June, Gokwe. Chiefs threatened and intimidated Richard Muziwande.
26 June, Mufakose. Joseph Lekadala was terrorised by CIO and Zanu (PF) members. He was accused of raping Zanu (PF) members.
26 June, Mashonaland East. Zanu (PF) youth destroyed the village of Godfrey Musiyiwa.
30 June, Manicaland. House of Easter Kamhara Nyamusiye was burnt down, and the property destroyed.
30 June, Makonki East. PTC removed the telephone from mugove mamunda, saying it was under the directive of Moven Mahachi.
30 June, Mash Central. The home of the father of Frank Kaseke was burnt. Property destroyed included two wooden shelves, plates and cups,cassette radio, four chairs and table, six blankets, clothes, and kitchen utensils.
30 June, Mufakose. The home of Muchineria Denga was stoned. Property destroyed includes: 27 window panes, radio, sewing machine, tea set, 19 water glasses, 6 china plates, 7 spice bottles, two floral pots and one black pot.
30 June, Mufakose. Luke Julias was assaulted, suffering bruises on his neck. 17 tins of cobra were destroyed.
UMP. Gladys Mahlavera, a teacher in UMP was an MDC polling agent during the elections. Her District Officer saw her there, and told her she must be careful not to associate with MDC. Since that time, she has lost her job with the school, for her political affiliations.
1 July, Murehwa South. The house of Musekiwa Matute was burnt down. The following property was destroyed: double bed, dressing table, wardrobe, clothes, blankets, tobacco chemicals, farm tools, trunk, file containing personal documents.
1 July, Murehwa. Clara Madya was assaulted. He broke his leg when trying to run away
3 July, Murehwa South. The home of Frangs Muronzi was burnt. Clothing, bed, and kitchen utensils were destroyed.
3 July, Murehwa South. The home of Madson Chivizhe was looted by Zanu (PF) youth. Blankets, plates, a stove, his radio, his VCR and $300 were stolen.
3 July, Chitungwiza (Harare). The car of B Nyonga-Nyonga was damaged. (front and rear safety windows)
3 July, Marondera. The house of D Chinyowa was stoned. 26 window panes and a door frame were broken.
4 July, Kuwadzana (Harare). Stanley Matete was assaulted. His right ankle was fractured and his cheek, face, and back were bruised.
4 July, Murehwa South. Fani Zazayi was assaulted with a blunt object. His back was injured and he lost one tooth.
5 July, Marondera. J Chiramba was intimidated, and her dress torn.
5 July, Macheke. Robert Bhito was fired from his job because he supported the MDC.
5 July, Macheke. F. Ngwende was assaulted and his house was looted. Assailants took his clothes and radio
5 July, Macheke. Irene Ndlovu was kidnapped and assaulted. Blankets, plates, and clothes were taken from her house
5 July, Marondera East. The property of T Chiwese was destroyed, including the gate and the glass from three window panes.
5 July, Marondera East. Property of Veronica Muchabaiwa was destroyed, including 9 window panes, window handles, and a sofa.
6 July, Chivhu. Steven Mutandwa was arrested, accused of provoking the ruling president.
6 July, Nyandire. Willard Pindiriri was kidnapped and assaulted.
6 July, Murehwa South. The property of Simaon Kaseke was destroyed, including asbestos sheets, clothes, food stuffs, a radio, and five window panes.
6 July, Murehwa South. Canaan Mukoyi was assaulted. He incurred injuries and bruises on head, buttocks, and arms.
6 July, Murehwa South. Johanisi Mupwapwa was assaulted, suffering injuries on hand and shoulder.
7 July, Mabvuku. Justin Mutendadzamera (MDC MP Mabvuku) was arrested on charges of kidnapping, assault, and attempted murder.
8 July, Mutoko. Harinangoni Deyera was assaulted. He suffered bruises on his arms and buttocks, a swollen forehead and swollen left knee.
16 July, Mberengwa. Erasimus Matika was kidnapped, assaulted, and tortured all over his body.
17 July, Mbare. Asher Tahwa was kidnapped and assaulted. He suffered bruises on his eyelids, hands, backbone and legs.
17 July, Rusinga-Mutoko. Aaron Kapfushira was assaulted and his house was burnt. Property destroyed includes kitchen unit, wardrobe, coffee table, radio, TV, four chairs, and clothes.
17 July, Harare. Two members of the CIO attempted to abduct Due Mugota.
17 July, Mash Central. Syndicate Murove was struck by an iron bar on the head and all over his body. His left leg and ribs were broken.
17 July, Harare. Leonard Maodzwa was assaulted by the army and his rib was broken.
17 July, Mash East. Mbizvo Tendai Ruzvidzo was assaulted. $ 16 970 and his bicycle were stolen, and his entire family was threatened.
17 July, Mash East. Jesman Muzungu was beaten, and his family's clothing was stolen.
17 July, Mash East. Loyce Yesini was assaulted. His radio and his family's clothing was stolen.
17 July, Mash East. The home of Gabeth Buvamombe was burnt, and his clothes were stolen.
17 July, Mash East. The shop of Paul Muchena was destroyed.
17 July, Mash East. Goods worth about $7 000 were stolen from the shop of Mathah Nyamupingidza
17 July, Mash East. 50 Bags of maize were stolen from Amin Matumbu. He was assaulted, and those around him were threatened and intimidated.
17 July, Mash East. Desire Madombwe was assaulted, and suffered a broken arm.
17 July, Mash East. Misheck Gumbangera was assaulted. 60 litres of deisel and 1050kg bags of maize were stolen.
17 July, Mash East. Lot Nyagumbo was assaulted. His watch, T-shirt, Jersey and $500 were stolen.
20 July, Harare. Garikai Chinyama attended the opening of Parliament in an MDC t-shirt. On his way through the crowd at Africa Unity Square, he was mobbed by Zanu (PF) supporters who began beating him. They tore his t-shirt. He was grabbed by two police men and shoved towards the MDC supporters. It was in this way that he got back to the MDC side of the crowd.
23 July, Buhera North. Daniel Machinga, MDC youth chairman for Buhera, was attending a band meeting in an MDC t-shirt. He was attacked by 10 known Zanu (PF) supporters and CIO members. He was beaten with fists, broken bottles, and iron bars and sticks. He suffered massive wounds on his head and ears, and had to get stitches. They jumped on his chest and back, and jumped on and beat his legs severely.
23 July, Dzivarasekwa (Harare). Itai Maguwu, a polling agent for the MDC MP Jusin Mutendadzamera, and a man of sober habits, was at home Sunday night. He went for a brief walk and did not returned. His body was found 200 metres from his home on Wednesday night (26 July). He had been beaten to death. It was clear from the wounds that he had been beaten excessively with an iron bar. It is suspected that he was killed some distance from his home, and then his body dragged back, as the sounds of his screams would have alerted the residents in the area.
27 July, Bulawayo. Patrick Nabanyama, polling agent for David Coltart (MDC MP Bulawayo South) is still missing, after having been abducted from his home the Nketa suburb of Bulawayo before the elections. Before he was abducted, Nabanyama received death threats.
26 JUNE 2000
Mwenezi - The District Administrator has been threatened for "not being on sides". He is not adhering to the war vets' demands, and they now want to hold a tribunal hearing to get the District Administrator fired.
Two farmers received death threats over the weekend. Norton - Shots have been fired most nights for the last week or ten days on Parklands. On another property there was a death threat to a farmer and on a further property a couple of pensioners were assaulted due to them not having voted.
Selous - Saturday night a lorry petrol bombed.
Bulawayo - There has been a buildup of numbers on Boomerang. 30 war vets are demanding to move onto Springs Farm. There are already some 300 from a different group occupying the property. The company's warehouse in Bulawayo was burnt down on Friday, destroying timber and machinery to the value of $4 million.
27 JUNE 2000
Glendale - Some houses in the Glendale Township stoned.
Norton - two weaners were stabbed on Tilford Farm and War Vets from Norton town have employed youths/War Vets to make bricks for them on Tilford Farm to sell in a business venture. The Police at this stage are not very interested.
28 JUNE 2000
Enterprise and Bromley/Ruwa - 6 war vets went on to RSB Farm and hijacked the task force vehicle with the driver.
Inyathi - Approximately 300 cattle were moved onto Goodwood Block over the weekend. On Friday the farm foreman was abducted by war vets and severely assaulted. His right leg was broken in two places and he may lose his eye. The Police response saved his life.
29 JUNE 2000
Victory Block - A farm mechanic was assaulted at a pungwe held at Mutendamambo yesterday.
Norton - Shots at night have been continuing on Parklands Farm.
30 JUNE 2000
Marondera North - On Dormavale a security guard was assaulted by the local war vets.
2 JULY 2000
Shamva - Tipperary had 200 invaders from the neighbouring village confronted the farmer, demanding he sign documents to cede the farm to them.
Harare West/Nyabira - The owner of Reinham Farm received a threat from the officer-in-charge at Dzvaresekwa Police Station for being an MDC supporter. This was shortly after the newly elected MDC MP for Dzvaresekwa had been assaulted.
4 JULY 2000
Victory Block - One farm worker was assaulted on Sunday. The farm Manager's wife at Disi was harassed on her way home by four war vets. A group of 30 war vets at Disi threaten the farm owner. The war vets are to move their base from Mutenda Mambo to Kelston Park.
Shamva - The Manager at Glencairn was harassed and assaulted while moving into the homestead on Sunday.
5 JULY 2000
Harare West - Calgary Farm: 14 army and CIO officers claim they are taking over the entire farm. The owner has been asked to sign over the farm.
Wedza - War vet Gibson and 20 others in a blue 7 tonne Leyland truck arrived on Dean Farm and it is believed that they wanted to kill the farmer. The farmer escaped, Police refused to react unless there was a confrontation.
Macheke/Virginia - In Macheke township, people are being pulled out of their homes at night allegedly by ZANU PF supporters who after pushing them around, drop them on farms and leave them to walk home.
7 JULY 2000
Marondera South - On Gresham Farm a war vet who had put all his money into paying for a property, was told by base commander Wilfred Marimo that he could not have the property, after which the war vet hung himself. 21 Youths from the war vet base beat up the labour on Chipesa Farm.
Selous - On Mount Carmel Farm shots were heard last night in the vicinity of the sable herd. War vets have started building huts. A break-in was reported at Pamuzinda Game Park where approximately $200 000.00 worth of goods stolen.
Chegutu - Labour has been threatened on Concession Hill Farm and the labour stoppage on Masterpiece Farm continues.
8 JULY 2000
Kapena - Thursday 30 invaders arrived and instructed all workers to be off farm by 1000 hrs Friday. Friday they returned and drove off all workers, and 140 000 kg of tobacco remain ungraded in the sheds. Tractor and trailer hijacked from Jaybury/Jambo and made to collect wood for Parondale. One weaner on Wilgin slaughtered but left. Centre pivot on Parondale damaged slightly by invaders and owner not allowed to do land prep. Norton:War vet Ruzidzo is asking for the head of one of the farmers in the area. A group is camped on the verandah of Glentworth House.
9 JULY 2000
Wedza - on Fels Farm, a crop guard was beaten up trying to arrest maize thieves, hospitalised.
Enterprise - on Friday, the owner and manager of Devonia Farm were told by war vet, Stix Chimuti, to leave the farm within two hours or be killed. On Ivordale Farm, the owner and manager were told by war vets Bureau and Giant, to leave the farm by Tuesday. On Remari Farm, warvets instructed the owner and manager they required a beast and will select one at the dip on Monday.
Mazowe/Concession - there were attempted assaults of MDC supporters at Jumbo Mine yesterday.
Shamva - two main homesteads on Ceres Farm are still occupied by invaders. On Friday, invaders put up a roadblock at Robin Hood Farm.
10 JULY 2000
Mvurwi - War vets have invaded Whaddon Chase.
Harare South/Beatrice - Stirling and Kerry have been pegged; the pegging on Kerry included 2 off-duty policemen from Harare.
Marondera North - After the meeting at Marondera North Club a message has been sent out that the war vets are looking at new invasions on alleged MDC-supporting farms.
Norton - A new occupation took place on Somerby on Saturday, on which roughly 50 people pegged "residential stands".. On Glentworth, war vet Ruzvidzo moved inside the security fence of the homestead with 5 dogs and set up a camp. Weapons have been seen.
Chegutu - Tophin has been pegged completely and Mendick almost completely. The erection of cattle kraals on Torphin has begun.
Chakari - 30 people moved on to Kabanga over the weekend.
Kwekwe - The two guns, stolen from Pittscottie Farm conservancy guards, have not been recovered.
11 JULY 2000
Mvurwi - Umsengesi Farm was visited yesterday morning by about 10 war vets from Mvurwi and Centenary (led by Magute). They were armed with sjamboks, sticks and pangas and stopped the farmer as he was driving out of the farm.
Harare South/Beatrice - Peggers arrived again on Stirling and Kerry. There are about 30 people on Kerry. A military police Mazda pickup was seen ferrying farm peggers from Harare to the farms. The driver was wearing military uniform.
Bromley/Ruwa/Enterprise - Police responded to a clash between war vets and farm labour on Ivordale.
12 JULY 2000
Shamva - War vets at Hippo Valley Farm broke into the farm store and stole $500, broke the lock at the main homestead gate, beat the dogs and entered the house. The cook has disappeared. Three farm labourers were assaulted and a tractor was commandeered to remove the cook's property from the farm.
Mazowe/Concession - A group of approximately 20-30 have re-invaded Rydal Farm and had an all-night pungwe last night
Harare South - Occupiers on Old Blackfordby Farm told the labourers to vacate their houses as they were taking over the farm.
Wedza - About 1.5 km of ZESA cable has been stolen, and 15 ZESA cables cut down. There are reports of snaring on Lushington. The Wedza Farm Security saw a vehicle driving around the Donaldstown and Saltash Farm area with a spot light. The vehicle took off at high speed and they chased and managed to corner the vehicle, finding 4 people and 3 weapons, all licenced, one having "hunting" handwritten on it. One of the 4 men is CIO at the President's Office.
Macheke/Virginia - War vet Garwe has returned to Notgrove and the occupiers have changed the locks on the gates and the back door of the homestead
Norton - One farmer has been forced to leave his property, the security guard was assaulted and his weapon stolen.
Chiredzi - About 70 people arrived on Fairange Estates yesterday demanding to peg the entire property. There was a massive occupation and clearing of land taking place on Stelmarco and BJB Ranches. Occupiers have informed the owner the local MP Mr. Baloyi will be visiting this property tomorrow to allocate plots and to advise the new occupants to start doing land prep and to get their crops in. Mr. Baloyi is said to have commented that occupiers should have begun land prep a long ago.
13 JULY 2000
Mavhuradonha - the owner was given until the 17th to leave and the labour were told to collect their pay and that they would be given plots. The owners of Chibali, Sherwood, Bretton and Kingstone Devril have been given 4, 2, 3 and 4 days respectively to vacate their properties. The owners of Ria Dora, Dolphin Park and Everton have been told to finish grading tobacco and be off their farms by September. The owner of Nieuveld has been told he can have half the farm and the rest is to be resettled, and the owner of Nteto Park has been told that war vets are to take over half the farm. The owner and the labour of Madear have until the 17th to be off the farm. The foreman on Viewfield was given an unofficial eviction notice. The owner of Ashford Farm received three threatening phone calls yesterday
Bromley/Ruwa - On Rudale there have been enquiries from Johannes Bopoto about designated farms. He has a list with Agritex notes for the families to be resettled. A Nissan twin cab visited Belmont, led by Wise Gadame with locals from Chinika communal. They were hostile towards the farmer and then went to Liwode. The position on Elberley, Xanadu and Dunstan is deteriorating, with a number of substantial huts being built. Occupiers are preventing from coming to work workers who commute from the Seke Communal land.
14 JULY 2000
Marondera West - Chasweno: the farm store was broken into last night. The thieves attempted to rape a girl in one of the houses near the store. She screamed and people came to her aid. The thieves then ran away: tracks lead to a war vet base.
Gutu/Chatsworth - The owner of Eastdale East has been instructed to move his cattle off the property.
Chiredzi - A meeting was held yesterday at Makambe, BJB and Stelmarco Ranches and MP Baloyi instructed as many as possible to occupy properties.
15 JULY 2000
Shamva - The owner and manager of Beaconhill were assaulted by war veterans yesterday. The war vets stole two shotguns and the farm keys
17 JULY 2000
Horseshoe - War vets went to Amajuba and told the Manager to produce an inventory of all farm equipment, as the property belonged to them. The owner of Warner Farm has not been allowed to leave his house and war vets have cut down trees and blocked off the road to the home. War vets at Rungudzi Farm demanded keys to the cottage and demanded that the people staying in the cottage move out.
Mvurwi - The owner of Vukwe has received a death threat The owner of Pembi Falls has received a threatening call asking him why he has not packed up and moved off his farm. The owner of Ruia was called and told to be off his farm in a week.
Glendale - A large number of war vets have moved onto Heyshott and stopped wheat irrigation.
Mutepatepa - The owners of Condwelani and Chiveri have had work stoppage. War vets sent a notice to the owner of Butleigh Farm asking why work had not stopped and demanding that he leave the farm. The owner of Banwell received an eviction order and was told he must pay off all his workers and leave the farm by Wednesday. War vet Elijah Muzengwa went to peg at Avoca Farm and was very aggressive. The owner of Avoca has received a 24 hour death threat and has not been allowed to irrigate his wheat. Duiker Flats was visited by war vets last night who questioned the farm workers as to why they had not stopped working.
Shamva - War vets delivered an eviction order to the owner of Sunray. Woodlands B has been invaded by approximately 200 war vets. The owner of Douglyn has been issued an eviction notice to move off in 2 to 3 days time.
Harare South/Beatrice - There was a repeated threat to kill if the owner of Plumstead does not vacate his house.
Macheke/Virginia - About 60 war vets occupied the lawn on Lowlands on Saturday.
There is movement onto Chenene Farm in Doma and the farmer is being told to pack his bags as the Maraswa war vets are taking over the farm. The owner of Braeside was told to prepare to move. The Deputy Mayor of Chinhoyi dropped off two people on Slaughter Farm to occupy the house. The owner of Msengi Farm has been told to vacate his property within 7 days. The owner of Dalkeith Farm received an unofficial written eviction notice to vacate within 7 days. The owner of St Lucia Farm has been told to vacate in 7 days.
Chegutu - On Kutawa donkeys have been moved on and tree cutting continues On Kalembo War Vets have told the owner to get out within two days "or else". They demanded $1500.00 from the owner as an administration fee for cutting up his land and are selling plots at $100.00 for 30 hectares. On Eureka Farm War Vets are demanding that the owner moves his cattle off.
Chiredzi - Farmer did a follow up with case reported to the Police. It was reported by Sergeant Dube at the Chiredzi Police Station that Chiredzi Police Station received a letter from Dr. Hundzvi that they would go ahead with the resettlement scheme and this is to take place on the following properties: Fairange Estates, Impala Ranch, Mkwasine Ranch, Portion of Malilangwe Wildlife Trust. War vets intend to move off Ruware Ranch tomorrow. Large numbers moved onto Buffalo Range from Chiredzi township over the weekend. Many people also moved onto Samba Ranch. The owner on Edenvale reports that MP Baloyi has visited, and has said they are going to take over the farm and start ploughing and planting. There was a mass invasion onto the property yesterday. 3 head of cattle are missing, and one has been found slaughtered.
18 JULY 2000
Glendale - A complete shutdown of farm work within the district has been implemented until the situation at Mukoko has been resolved.
Harare West - MayPark Farm, 50 supposed war veterans forced their way into the house yesterday evening and took possession of five firearms and have set up camp outside the main gate. Police have reacted but unable to retrieve the weapons. At least three shots were heard on the farm.
Tsatsi - Msasa Farm was invaded by an aggressive group of 150 led by Thomas Majuru, who breached the security fence to the homestead. The farm owner was assaulted by a war vet in the group and escaped to lock himself in the house with his family.
Norton - Saffron Walden, Mrs Rusike has arrived with 8 others, gave the owner a letter demanding compensation be paid to the farm witch doctor for belongings that were destroyed.
Gutu / Chatsworth - Eastdale Farm, owner met with war veterans, councillors, chiefs and local ZANU PF Chairman yesterday. Councillors and chiefs oppose the fast track method of resettlement, war vets claimed that a "new war" had started on 2 July 2000 whereby all properties will be resettled - designated or not.
Lupane - Zikunga Farm, presence of 30 war veterans, have assaulted 10 of the labour, confiscated a .30 S and .22 rifle from the security guard.
19 JULY 2000
Horseshoe - 7 day eviction notices were served on the owners of Niani Tal and Penrose by war vets today.
Wedza Rupaka - Work stoppage. The war vets enforced the switching off of irrigation pumps.
Chakadenga - Game fence was cut and 12 head of cattle went missing.
Featherstone Sable Flats - There are about 100 permanent residents that increase to about 400 during the day.
Karoi - Pegging and invasions and/or building of structures have taken place over the last few days on the following farms - Lanlory, Templecomb, Ansdell, Gainlands, Inyati (very aggressive), Wajetsi, Furzen (report of selling of plots). Lanlory has large numbers of communal people awaiting resettlement by govt, and some fencing stolen. Work stoppages and/or threats to take over the farm have taken place on Welkom, Moara, Toekoms, Morewag, Wingate. On Nyamapipi 1 heifer slaughtered and fencing stolen. On Pendennis war vets accused farmer of chasing women from stova and threatened to move communal cattle into maize stova; new settlement being built. Police responded. On Jenya, trees are being felled and permanent structures being built - reported to police. On Kupeta war vets are reported to be armed and shots have been heard - this was reported to police. On Protea war vet Madzura arrived and on finding owner absent, forced cattle gang to accompany him to local base camp where they were maltreated and humiliated. Reported to police. On Moy war vets have taken possession of a tractor and are cutting gum trees. On Hewlyn, a fire was started by war vets who were clearing ground for brick-making, and tree cutting continues. On Boland 18 war vets demanded wood and transport and threatened foreman. On Vuka, following an altercation between a labourer and war vet, war vets arrived demanding half of the farm - this was refused, and there was a subsequent stoppage of all work, threats and abuse. This was reported to police who stated "if labour do not like the war vets, then the labourers should return to communal lands".
Tengwe - Silver Lining Farm which was previously occupied was re-visited this morning and the farmer told to vacate the property immediately.
Chinhoyi - Zilawa Farm - 100+ war vets pegging farm. Doondo Farm foreman told to tell owner to remove all property by 22 July. Owners of Msengi, Braeside, Sholliver, Dunphaile, Wannock Glen and Newlands Farms have been told to vacate their farms by 21 or 23 July. The owner and foreman of Baguta Farm have received death threats and told to vacate by 24 July.
Norton - On Saffron Waldon yesterday Mrs Rusike and Mr Mutasa were seen with an AK47 and a shotgun. On Wilbred Farm Mrs Rusike broke the locks to the gate on Friday and again yesterday. Mrs Rusike also visited Aberdeen today.
It would appear that a new trend is starting in Matabeleland where pegging and laying claim to land is being stepped up with war vets claiming instruction to do so has come from their leader, and CFU and govt are of no consequence.
20 JULY 2000
Harare West/Nyabira - A police Land Rover was seen dropping off building tools for war vets on Bitton Farm.
Mazowe/Concession - The owner of Pearson Farm has returned home under police and support unit escort. War vets threatened the owner and tractor drivers with death if any land prep was carried out, with the police as witnesses. The owner of Golden Hill was threatened with death by war vets if he did not leave. War vets demanded that the owner of Raffeen closed down his furniture factory. They have threatened violence if he does not comply. War vets have given the owner of Iron Mask an immediate eviction notice. A black farmer in the area was threatened with eviction and war vets attempted to trash his home in retribution for being an opposition supporter,
Macheke/Virginia - Farms with work stoppages: Warren; Richmond, Mug, Chizanza; Spes Bona; Fairview; Blue Gums; Howgate; Glen Somerset; Murray Field.
TENGWE - Kapena Farm - owner told once he has finished grading tobacco he must move off.
Solera Farm - Owner told to move off by Friday.
Quo Vadis Farm - owner told to move off his farm immediately. Gwiwa, Inanda, Manna and Driftwood Farms - told to vacate immediately.
Dendenyani Farm - Cattle driven off by invaders to Jambo Farm. Told to vacate immediately.
Parendale Farm - No land prep and labour have been moved out. War vets do not want to continue dialogue or negotiations and are not interested in instructions from ZANU PF, VP Msika , Police or farmers. They have taken the land and legal papers do not interest them. Very militant and want farmers off the land.
Chiredzi Area - Dawlish Ranch - Mass invasion of up to approx 300, causing havoc and cutting down of trees. Threats of 1000 people to move on. Swedish investors and 6 British tourists had to be flown out of the farm yesterday
Ngwane Ranch - Invaders have been building more huts and are using these huts as base camps operating into Ruware Ranch. Poaching with dogs. Chickens have been stolen. Has been reported to the Police and are still awaiting reaction. BJB and Stelmarco Ranches Loads of people are being transported in from the adjacent communal land (Matebe). Amongst them are elderly people that can hardly walk and some small children. These people are also being issued plots. The adjacent Matebe communal land is not a very high densely populated area and there is plenty of land available in this communal area. Reports are now that the communal area is now vacant.
Fairange Estates - The owner, his manager, a senior game scout and a Sergeant have been threatened by the war vets in the presence of the Police. No action taken. War Vet "Mutemachani" instructed that all game scouts be disarmed; subsequent to this, two game scouts were seriously assaulted yesterday afternoon. One was beaten twice over the head with an axe and is recovering in Chiredzi Hospital and the other was also seriously beaten over the head with an axe and is subsequently temporarily paralysed. Arrangements are being made for medical treatment in Harare. The perpetrators are known and have been reported to the Police.
Bon Accord 'A' farm in Hunters road area invaded by +/- 60 people including at least 5 military personnel in uniform. One is a sergeant and one a corporal. The vehicle has an HC number plate. Invaders pegging vigorously and loading firewood onto army vehicle.
21 JULY 2000
Wedza - The Wedza police Member In Charge escorted war vet Chigwadere to Rupaka. Chigwadere went on to threaten the farmers that if the invaders pegs or houses were touched the farmers would be committing suicide.
Macheke/Virginia - There are now 19 work stoppages in the area.
22 JULY 2000
Mvurwi - One farm guard was assaulted yesterday on Four Streams Farm.
24 JULY 2000
Harare South/Beatrice - Wilhelm Botha, beaten to death with a crow bar. Mr Botha was an elderly man and was a mechanic for the garage.
Chakari - On Blackmorvale war vets have been camped on the lawn for the last few days and holding all night pungwes
Chegutu/Suri Suri - The owner on Concession Hill farm was threatened by 6 war vets because he dismissed a crop guard Approximately 100 people occupied Hippovale Farm today and work has stopped. The owner was warned about this last Thursday and was asked for a bribe to prevent it.
Mt Hampden - 3 labour on Hayden Farm were assaulted on Saturday.
Chiredzi - On Stelmarco and BJB Ranches there has been continued cutting of trees and grass
Insiza - Dr Hunzvi met with war vets in Zvishavane yesterday and has incited them to take land, resulting in Debshan being given an ultimatum this morning to vacate the ranch in 24 hours.
Bubi - On Saturday evening drunk war vets intimidated the labour on Allendale. They were made to march up and down the homestead security fence and were forced to sing chimurenga songs. The owner had a death threat.
Mberengwa - On Manjiri Ranches since March 2000, 58 head of cattle have been stolen or snared or slaughtered, and meat removed to the value of $784 000. 2 346 snares have been removed. Kwekwe Bemthree Ranch was invaded by 70 people lead by David Mutengwende.
25 July 2000
Chinhoyi - The owner of Kuti Farm was told to remove his cattle and vacate the farm by Wednesday this week.
Karoi - Karoi farmers closed their operations down at 0600 today. Karoi town have partially closed their operations in sympathy with the farmers, with whom they do business. Late this morning David Brand of Gremlin Farm was beaten unconscious and was extricated by the reaction unit. His wife and children have been evacuated.
Monday 24 - The owner of Collingwood was told to vacate within 24 hours. On Vuka Farm, 4 labourers were assaulted, yesterday morning the family was barricaded in the farm but managed to escape using a back exit. On Lanlory 11 dogs have been moved into a structure at the gate and a labourer has been bitten. On Deerwood a cattle employee was assaulted and threatened. Tengwe - None of the Tengwe farms that have been illegally occupied are designated. Only grading is allowed on Kapena Farm. No land prep is permitted on Parendale and Alpha. Land prep and pre-irrigation has been stopped, grading and seedbeds continue and cattle have been driven off Dendanyani, Jaybury/Jambo, Silver Lining. Mpata has continued land prep but war vets now claim this land is theirs and therefore no tobacco can be planted. All of the above farms are controlled by a group led by Peter Ncube At about 10:30 on Saturday 22 July approximately 75 people gathered at the security fence of Glen Craig. They had been into the workers village and chased everyone out. The neighbouring farmers reacted and evacuated the family.The labour force, including the women and children spent the night in the bush, were told not to go to work any more and were told to pack their belongings and leave the farm. They were told if any of them went to work they would be killed. On Sunday, the owner and police returned to the farm to take reports from the employees. This is the fourth time that this has happened to the labour.
Norton - Lovejoy arrived on Fort Martin Farm with approximately 80 people from the communal area whom he apparently paid. They pegged and told the owner that he was not allowed to ridge or plant tobacco. On Serui Source war vets from Harare were paying peggers $70.00 per day.
Suri Suri - On Cambustrennie a group led by Masiwa say that they are taking all the farm and that they do not care what President Mugabe says.
MDC Support Centre
8th Floor, Gold Bridge
Guqula Izenzo/Maitiro Chinja
"We call upon the government to restore law and order in the country and immediately stop the violence being inflicted on MDC supporters and innocent people" (Gibson Sibanda)
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To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#143 -- Post Election Violence and Intimidation
Of major concern to the MDC and to the people of Zimbabwe, is the ongoing violence and intimidation throughout the country, in both urban and rural constituencies. Whereas the country had expected a return to normality and a serious attempt by the new government to reverse the damage that had been wrought by the Zanu PF election campaign, there has instead been a widening and an intensification of the systematic and state sponsored abrogation of civil rights in Zimbabwe.
Of gravest concern has been the deployment of the police force, backed by units of the army, within the high density suburbs of Harare and Kwekwe. 30 June. Unnamed MDC members wearing MDC t-shirts were assaulted by ZNA and received head injuries from batons and rifle butts in Harare, Mabvuku and Makwavarara SC. ZNA continued harassing Mabvuku residents throughout the night.
29-30 June. In Kwekwe, Redcliff and Torwood, MDC supporters were assaulted in night clubs by ZNA and ZRP Support Unit.
29-30 June. Unnamed MDC members assaulted in night clubs in Chitungwiza.
1 July. Unnamed MDC members assaulted with rifle butts, sustaining head injuries in Harare, Mabvuku, Kamunhu SC, Moonlight Night Club.
1 July. Edwin Mushoriwa, the newly elected MP for Dzivaresekwa, and other MDC members were stopped by ZNA and assaulted with rifle butts causing head and facial injuries.
The incidences of violence, intimidation and retribution have been widespread throughout the country and hereafter follows a list of incidents reported by members of the MDC. This list should in no way be considered to be exhaustive but merely indicative of the harassment being experienced by the people of Zimbabwe.
Also included with this list is a chronicle of the events reported on commercial farms throughout the country. Where, once again, the harassment of Zimbabwean citizens attempting to conduct their lives and their businesses has intensified in the weeks after the election. This chronicles the more pertinent events in a widespread invasion of farms, that has seen a massive upsurge in the pegging of farms with the attendant threats and demands that owners close down, vacate, supply food, transport and accommodation. There is large-scale cutting of trees, snaring and theft of fencing and of livestock.
An analysis of pre-election violence on commercial farms details 7220 human rights violations against farm workers and farm owners. The direct cost of these invasions is estimated to be Z$ 430 000 000. These figures do not include events post election.
The country has begun to witness the closure of farming areas en bloc as a non-confrontational attempt to highlight the gravity of the situation in these areas. The ZRP continues to react to the best of their ability, but it is obvious that their mandate to police this crisis is compromised by directives emanating from the office of the President of Zimbabwe.
The continued destabilization of the agro-economy, and a selective and partisan application of the rule of law can only bring more stoppages and eventual failure of Zimbabwe society.
26 June, Gokwe. Chiefs threatened and intimidated Richard Muziwande.
26 June, Mufakose. Joseph Lekadala was terrorised by CIO and Zanu (PF) members. He was accused of raping Zanu (PF) members.
26 June, Mashonaland East. Zanu (PF) youth destroyed the village of Godfrey Musiyiwa.
30 June, Manicaland. House of Easter Kamhara Nyamusiye was burnt down, and the property destroyed.
30 June, Makonki East. PTC removed the telephone from mugove mamunda, saying it was under the directive of Moven Mahachi.
30 June, Mash Central. The home of the father of Frank Kaseke was burnt. Property destroyed included two wooden shelves, plates and cups,cassette radio, four chairs and table, six blankets, clothes, and kitchen utensils.
30 June, Mufakose. The home of Muchineria Denga was stoned. Property destroyed includes: 27 window panes, radio, sewing machine, tea set, 19 water glasses, 6 china plates, 7 spice bottles, two floral pots and one black pot.
30 June, Mufakose. Luke Julias was assaulted, suffering bruises on his neck. 17 tins of cobra were destroyed.
UMP. Gladys Mahlavera, a teacher in UMP was an MDC polling agent during the elections. Her District Officer saw her there, and told her she must be careful not to associate with MDC. Since that time, she has lost her job with the school, for her political affiliations.
1 July, Murehwa South. The house of Musekiwa Matute was burnt down. The following property was destroyed: double bed, dressing table, wardrobe, clothes, blankets, tobacco chemicals, farm tools, trunk, file containing personal documents.
1 July, Murehwa. Clara Madya was assaulted. He broke his leg when trying to run away
3 July, Murehwa South. The home of Frangs Muronzi was burnt. Clothing, bed, and kitchen utensils were destroyed.
3 July, Murehwa South. The home of Madson Chivizhe was looted by Zanu (PF) youth. Blankets, plates, a stove, his radio, his VCR and $300 were stolen.
3 July, Chitungwiza (Harare). The car of B Nyonga-Nyonga was damaged. (front and rear safety windows)
3 July, Marondera. The house of D Chinyowa was stoned. 26 window panes and a door frame were broken.
4 July, Kuwadzana (Harare). Stanley Matete was assaulted. His right ankle was fractured and his cheek, face, and back were bruised.
4 July, Murehwa South. Fani Zazayi was assaulted with a blunt object. His back was injured and he lost one tooth.
5 July, Marondera. J Chiramba was intimidated, and her dress torn.
5 July, Macheke. Robert Bhito was fired from his job because he supported the MDC.
5 July, Macheke. F. Ngwende was assaulted and his house was looted. Assailants took his clothes and radio
5 July, Macheke. Irene Ndlovu was kidnapped and assaulted. Blankets, plates, and clothes were taken from her house
5 July, Marondera East. The property of T Chiwese was destroyed, including the gate and the glass from three window panes.
5 July, Marondera East. Property of Veronica Muchabaiwa was destroyed, including 9 window panes, window handles, and a sofa.
6 July, Chivhu. Steven Mutandwa was arrested, accused of provoking the ruling president.
6 July, Nyandire. Willard Pindiriri was kidnapped and assaulted.
6 July, Murehwa South. The property of Simaon Kaseke was destroyed, including asbestos sheets, clothes, food stuffs, a radio, and five window panes.
6 July, Murehwa South. Canaan Mukoyi was assaulted. He incurred injuries and bruises on head, buttocks, and arms.
6 July, Murehwa South. Johanisi Mupwapwa was assaulted, suffering injuries on hand and shoulder.
7 July, Mabvuku. Justin Mutendadzamera (MDC MP Mabvuku) was arrested on charges of kidnapping, assault, and attempted murder.
8 July, Mutoko. Harinangoni Deyera was assaulted. He suffered bruises on his arms and buttocks, a swollen forehead and swollen left knee.
16 July, Mberengwa. Erasimus Matika was kidnapped, assaulted, and tortured all over his body.
17 July, Mbare. Asher Tahwa was kidnapped and assaulted. He suffered bruises on his eyelids, hands, backbone and legs.
17 July, Rusinga-Mutoko. Aaron Kapfushira was assaulted and his house was burnt. Property destroyed includes kitchen unit, wardrobe, coffee table, radio, TV, four chairs, and clothes.
17 July, Harare. Two members of the CIO attempted to abduct Due Mugota.
17 July, Mash Central. Syndicate Murove was struck by an iron bar on the head and all over his body. His left leg and ribs were broken.
17 July, Harare. Leonard Maodzwa was assaulted by the army and his rib was broken.
17 July, Mash East. Mbizvo Tendai Ruzvidzo was assaulted. $ 16 970 and his bicycle were stolen, and his entire family was threatened.
17 July, Mash East. Jesman Muzungu was beaten, and his family's clothing was stolen.
17 July, Mash East. Loyce Yesini was assaulted. His radio and his family's clothing was stolen.
17 July, Mash East. The home of Gabeth Buvamombe was burnt, and his clothes were stolen.
17 July, Mash East. The shop of Paul Muchena was destroyed.
17 July, Mash East. Goods worth about $7 000 were stolen from the shop of Mathah Nyamupingidza
17 July, Mash East. 50 Bags of maize were stolen from Amin Matumbu. He was assaulted, and those around him were threatened and intimidated.
17 July, Mash East. Desire Madombwe was assaulted, and suffered a broken arm.
17 July, Mash East. Misheck Gumbangera was assaulted. 60 litres of deisel and 1050kg bags of maize were stolen.
17 July, Mash East. Lot Nyagumbo was assaulted. His watch, T-shirt, Jersey and $500 were stolen.
20 July, Harare. Garikai Chinyama attended the opening of Parliament in an MDC t-shirt. On his way through the crowd at Africa Unity Square, he was mobbed by Zanu (PF) supporters who began beating him. They tore his t-shirt. He was grabbed by two police men and shoved towards the MDC supporters. It was in this way that he got back to the MDC side of the crowd.
23 July, Buhera North. Daniel Machinga, MDC youth chairman for Buhera, was attending a band meeting in an MDC t-shirt. He was attacked by 10 known Zanu (PF) supporters and CIO members. He was beaten with fists, broken bottles, and iron bars and sticks. He suffered massive wounds on his head and ears, and had to get stitches. They jumped on his chest and back, and jumped on and beat his legs severely.
23 July, Dzivarasekwa (Harare). Itai Maguwu, a polling agent for the MDC MP Jusin Mutendadzamera, and a man of sober habits, was at home Sunday night. He went for a brief walk and did not returned. His body was found 200 metres from his home on Wednesday night (26 July). He had been beaten to death. It was clear from the wounds that he had been beaten excessively with an iron bar. It is suspected that he was killed some distance from his home, and then his body dragged back, as the sounds of his screams would have alerted the residents in the area.
27 July, Bulawayo. Patrick Nabanyama, polling agent for David Coltart (MDC MP Bulawayo South) is still missing, after having been abducted from his home the Nketa suburb of Bulawayo before the elections. Before he was abducted, Nabanyama received death threats.
26 JUNE 2000
Mwenezi - The District Administrator has been threatened for "not being on sides". He is not adhering to the war vets' demands, and they now want to hold a tribunal hearing to get the District Administrator fired.
Two farmers received death threats over the weekend. Norton - Shots have been fired most nights for the last week or ten days on Parklands. On another property there was a death threat to a farmer and on a further property a couple of pensioners were assaulted due to them not having voted.
Selous - Saturday night a lorry petrol bombed.
Bulawayo - There has been a buildup of numbers on Boomerang. 30 war vets are demanding to move onto Springs Farm. There are already some 300 from a different group occupying the property. The company's warehouse in Bulawayo was burnt down on Friday, destroying timber and machinery to the value of $4 million.
27 JUNE 2000
Glendale - Some houses in the Glendale Township stoned.
Norton - two weaners were stabbed on Tilford Farm and War Vets from Norton town have employed youths/War Vets to make bricks for them on Tilford Farm to sell in a business venture. The Police at this stage are not very interested.
28 JUNE 2000
Enterprise and Bromley/Ruwa - 6 war vets went on to RSB Farm and hijacked the task force vehicle with the driver.
Inyathi - Approximately 300 cattle were moved onto Goodwood Block over the weekend. On Friday the farm foreman was abducted by war vets and severely assaulted. His right leg was broken in two places and he may lose his eye. The Police response saved his life.
29 JUNE 2000
Victory Block - A farm mechanic was assaulted at a pungwe held at Mutendamambo yesterday.
Norton - Shots at night have been continuing on Parklands Farm.
30 JUNE 2000
Marondera North - On Dormavale a security guard was assaulted by the local war vets.
2 JULY 2000
Shamva - Tipperary had 200 invaders from the neighbouring village confronted the farmer, demanding he sign documents to cede the farm to them.
Harare West/Nyabira - The owner of Reinham Farm received a threat from the officer-in-charge at Dzvaresekwa Police Station for being an MDC supporter. This was shortly after the newly elected MDC MP for Dzvaresekwa had been assaulted.
4 JULY 2000
Victory Block - One farm worker was assaulted on Sunday. The farm Manager's wife at Disi was harassed on her way home by four war vets. A group of 30 war vets at Disi threaten the farm owner. The war vets are to move their base from Mutenda Mambo to Kelston Park.
Shamva - The Manager at Glencairn was harassed and assaulted while moving into the homestead on Sunday.
5 JULY 2000
Harare West - Calgary Farm: 14 army and CIO officers claim they are taking over the entire farm. The owner has been asked to sign over the farm.
Wedza - War vet Gibson and 20 others in a blue 7 tonne Leyland truck arrived on Dean Farm and it is believed that they wanted to kill the farmer. The farmer escaped, Police refused to react unless there was a confrontation.
Macheke/Virginia - In Macheke township, people are being pulled out of their homes at night allegedly by ZANU PF supporters who after pushing them around, drop them on farms and leave them to walk home.
7 JULY 2000
Marondera South - On Gresham Farm a war vet who had put all his money into paying for a property, was told by base commander Wilfred Marimo that he could not have the property, after which the war vet hung himself. 21 Youths from the war vet base beat up the labour on Chipesa Farm.
Selous - On Mount Carmel Farm shots were heard last night in the vicinity of the sable herd. War vets have started building huts. A break-in was reported at Pamuzinda Game Park where approximately $200 000.00 worth of goods stolen.
Chegutu - Labour has been threatened on Concession Hill Farm and the labour stoppage on Masterpiece Farm continues.
8 JULY 2000
Kapena - Thursday 30 invaders arrived and instructed all workers to be off farm by 1000 hrs Friday. Friday they returned and drove off all workers, and 140 000 kg of tobacco remain ungraded in the sheds. Tractor and trailer hijacked from Jaybury/Jambo and made to collect wood for Parondale. One weaner on Wilgin slaughtered but left. Centre pivot on Parondale damaged slightly by invaders and owner not allowed to do land prep. Norton:War vet Ruzidzo is asking for the head of one of the farmers in the area. A group is camped on the verandah of Glentworth House.
9 JULY 2000
Wedza - on Fels Farm, a crop guard was beaten up trying to arrest maize thieves, hospitalised.
Enterprise - on Friday, the owner and manager of Devonia Farm were told by war vet, Stix Chimuti, to leave the farm within two hours or be killed. On Ivordale Farm, the owner and manager were told by war vets Bureau and Giant, to leave the farm by Tuesday. On Remari Farm, warvets instructed the owner and manager they required a beast and will select one at the dip on Monday.
Mazowe/Concession - there were attempted assaults of MDC supporters at Jumbo Mine yesterday.
Shamva - two main homesteads on Ceres Farm are still occupied by invaders. On Friday, invaders put up a roadblock at Robin Hood Farm.
10 JULY 2000
Mvurwi - War vets have invaded Whaddon Chase.
Harare South/Beatrice - Stirling and Kerry have been pegged; the pegging on Kerry included 2 off-duty policemen from Harare.
Marondera North - After the meeting at Marondera North Club a message has been sent out that the war vets are looking at new invasions on alleged MDC-supporting farms.
Norton - A new occupation took place on Somerby on Saturday, on which roughly 50 people pegged "residential stands".. On Glentworth, war vet Ruzvidzo moved inside the security fence of the homestead with 5 dogs and set up a camp. Weapons have been seen.
Chegutu - Tophin has been pegged completely and Mendick almost completely. The erection of cattle kraals on Torphin has begun.
Chakari - 30 people moved on to Kabanga over the weekend.
Kwekwe - The two guns, stolen from Pittscottie Farm conservancy guards, have not been recovered.
11 JULY 2000
Mvurwi - Umsengesi Farm was visited yesterday morning by about 10 war vets from Mvurwi and Centenary (led by Magute). They were armed with sjamboks, sticks and pangas and stopped the farmer as he was driving out of the farm.
Harare South/Beatrice - Peggers arrived again on Stirling and Kerry. There are about 30 people on Kerry. A military police Mazda pickup was seen ferrying farm peggers from Harare to the farms. The driver was wearing military uniform.
Bromley/Ruwa/Enterprise - Police responded to a clash between war vets and farm labour on Ivordale.
12 JULY 2000
Shamva - War vets at Hippo Valley Farm broke into the farm store and stole $500, broke the lock at the main homestead gate, beat the dogs and entered the house. The cook has disappeared. Three farm labourers were assaulted and a tractor was commandeered to remove the cook's property from the farm.
Mazowe/Concession - A group of approximately 20-30 have re-invaded Rydal Farm and had an all-night pungwe last night
Harare South - Occupiers on Old Blackfordby Farm told the labourers to vacate their houses as they were taking over the farm.
Wedza - About 1.5 km of ZESA cable has been stolen, and 15 ZESA cables cut down. There are reports of snaring on Lushington. The Wedza Farm Security saw a vehicle driving around the Donaldstown and Saltash Farm area with a spot light. The vehicle took off at high speed and they chased and managed to corner the vehicle, finding 4 people and 3 weapons, all licenced, one having "hunting" handwritten on it. One of the 4 men is CIO at the President's Office.
Macheke/Virginia - War vet Garwe has returned to Notgrove and the occupiers have changed the locks on the gates and the back door of the homestead
Norton - One farmer has been forced to leave his property, the security guard was assaulted and his weapon stolen.
Chiredzi - About 70 people arrived on Fairange Estates yesterday demanding to peg the entire property. There was a massive occupation and clearing of land taking place on Stelmarco and BJB Ranches. Occupiers have informed the owner the local MP Mr. Baloyi will be visiting this property tomorrow to allocate plots and to advise the new occupants to start doing land prep and to get their crops in. Mr. Baloyi is said to have commented that occupiers should have begun land prep a long ago.
13 JULY 2000
Mavhuradonha - the owner was given until the 17th to leave and the labour were told to collect their pay and that they would be given plots. The owners of Chibali, Sherwood, Bretton and Kingstone Devril have been given 4, 2, 3 and 4 days respectively to vacate their properties. The owners of Ria Dora, Dolphin Park and Everton have been told to finish grading tobacco and be off their farms by September. The owner of Nieuveld has been told he can have half the farm and the rest is to be resettled, and the owner of Nteto Park has been told that war vets are to take over half the farm. The owner and the labour of Madear have until the 17th to be off the farm. The foreman on Viewfield was given an unofficial eviction notice. The owner of Ashford Farm received three threatening phone calls yesterday
Bromley/Ruwa - On Rudale there have been enquiries from Johannes Bopoto about designated farms. He has a list with Agritex notes for the families to be resettled. A Nissan twin cab visited Belmont, led by Wise Gadame with locals from Chinika communal. They were hostile towards the farmer and then went to Liwode. The position on Elberley, Xanadu and Dunstan is deteriorating, with a number of substantial huts being built. Occupiers are preventing from coming to work workers who commute from the Seke Communal land.
14 JULY 2000
Marondera West - Chasweno: the farm store was broken into last night. The thieves attempted to rape a girl in one of the houses near the store. She screamed and people came to her aid. The thieves then ran away: tracks lead to a war vet base.
Gutu/Chatsworth - The owner of Eastdale East has been instructed to move his cattle off the property.
Chiredzi - A meeting was held yesterday at Makambe, BJB and Stelmarco Ranches and MP Baloyi instructed as many as possible to occupy properties.
15 JULY 2000
Shamva - The owner and manager of Beaconhill were assaulted by war veterans yesterday. The war vets stole two shotguns and the farm keys
17 JULY 2000
Horseshoe - War vets went to Amajuba and told the Manager to produce an inventory of all farm equipment, as the property belonged to them. The owner of Warner Farm has not been allowed to leave his house and war vets have cut down trees and blocked off the road to the home. War vets at Rungudzi Farm demanded keys to the cottage and demanded that the people staying in the cottage move out.
Mvurwi - The owner of Vukwe has received a death threat The owner of Pembi Falls has received a threatening call asking him why he has not packed up and moved off his farm. The owner of Ruia was called and told to be off his farm in a week.
Glendale - A large number of war vets have moved onto Heyshott and stopped wheat irrigation.
Mutepatepa - The owners of Condwelani and Chiveri have had work stoppage. War vets sent a notice to the owner of Butleigh Farm asking why work had not stopped and demanding that he leave the farm. The owner of Banwell received an eviction order and was told he must pay off all his workers and leave the farm by Wednesday. War vet Elijah Muzengwa went to peg at Avoca Farm and was very aggressive. The owner of Avoca has received a 24 hour death threat and has not been allowed to irrigate his wheat. Duiker Flats was visited by war vets last night who questioned the farm workers as to why they had not stopped working.
Shamva - War vets delivered an eviction order to the owner of Sunray. Woodlands B has been invaded by approximately 200 war vets. The owner of Douglyn has been issued an eviction notice to move off in 2 to 3 days time.
Harare South/Beatrice - There was a repeated threat to kill if the owner of Plumstead does not vacate his house.
Macheke/Virginia - About 60 war vets occupied the lawn on Lowlands on Saturday.
There is movement onto Chenene Farm in Doma and the farmer is being told to pack his bags as the Maraswa war vets are taking over the farm. The owner of Braeside was told to prepare to move. The Deputy Mayor of Chinhoyi dropped off two people on Slaughter Farm to occupy the house. The owner of Msengi Farm has been told to vacate his property within 7 days. The owner of Dalkeith Farm received an unofficial written eviction notice to vacate within 7 days. The owner of St Lucia Farm has been told to vacate in 7 days.
Chegutu - On Kutawa donkeys have been moved on and tree cutting continues On Kalembo War Vets have told the owner to get out within two days "or else". They demanded $1500.00 from the owner as an administration fee for cutting up his land and are selling plots at $100.00 for 30 hectares. On Eureka Farm War Vets are demanding that the owner moves his cattle off.
Chiredzi - Farmer did a follow up with case reported to the Police. It was reported by Sergeant Dube at the Chiredzi Police Station that Chiredzi Police Station received a letter from Dr. Hundzvi that they would go ahead with the resettlement scheme and this is to take place on the following properties: Fairange Estates, Impala Ranch, Mkwasine Ranch, Portion of Malilangwe Wildlife Trust. War vets intend to move off Ruware Ranch tomorrow. Large numbers moved onto Buffalo Range from Chiredzi township over the weekend. Many people also moved onto Samba Ranch. The owner on Edenvale reports that MP Baloyi has visited, and has said they are going to take over the farm and start ploughing and planting. There was a mass invasion onto the property yesterday. 3 head of cattle are missing, and one has been found slaughtered.
18 JULY 2000
Glendale - A complete shutdown of farm work within the district has been implemented until the situation at Mukoko has been resolved.
Harare West - MayPark Farm, 50 supposed war veterans forced their way into the house yesterday evening and took possession of five firearms and have set up camp outside the main gate. Police have reacted but unable to retrieve the weapons. At least three shots were heard on the farm.
Tsatsi - Msasa Farm was invaded by an aggressive group of 150 led by Thomas Majuru, who breached the security fence to the homestead. The farm owner was assaulted by a war vet in the group and escaped to lock himself in the house with his family.
Norton - Saffron Walden, Mrs Rusike has arrived with 8 others, gave the owner a letter demanding compensation be paid to the farm witch doctor for belongings that were destroyed.
Gutu / Chatsworth - Eastdale Farm, owner met with war veterans, councillors, chiefs and local ZANU PF Chairman yesterday. Councillors and chiefs oppose the fast track method of resettlement, war vets claimed that a "new war" had started on 2 July 2000 whereby all properties will be resettled - designated or not.
Lupane - Zikunga Farm, presence of 30 war veterans, have assaulted 10 of the labour, confiscated a .30 S and .22 rifle from the security guard.
19 JULY 2000
Horseshoe - 7 day eviction notices were served on the owners of Niani Tal and Penrose by war vets today.
Wedza Rupaka - Work stoppage. The war vets enforced the switching off of irrigation pumps.
Chakadenga - Game fence was cut and 12 head of cattle went missing.
Featherstone Sable Flats - There are about 100 permanent residents that increase to about 400 during the day.
Karoi - Pegging and invasions and/or building of structures have taken place over the last few days on the following farms - Lanlory, Templecomb, Ansdell, Gainlands, Inyati (very aggressive), Wajetsi, Furzen (report of selling of plots). Lanlory has large numbers of communal people awaiting resettlement by govt, and some fencing stolen. Work stoppages and/or threats to take over the farm have taken place on Welkom, Moara, Toekoms, Morewag, Wingate. On Nyamapipi 1 heifer slaughtered and fencing stolen. On Pendennis war vets accused farmer of chasing women from stova and threatened to move communal cattle into maize stova; new settlement being built. Police responded. On Jenya, trees are being felled and permanent structures being built - reported to police. On Kupeta war vets are reported to be armed and shots have been heard - this was reported to police. On Protea war vet Madzura arrived and on finding owner absent, forced cattle gang to accompany him to local base camp where they were maltreated and humiliated. Reported to police. On Moy war vets have taken possession of a tractor and are cutting gum trees. On Hewlyn, a fire was started by war vets who were clearing ground for brick-making, and tree cutting continues. On Boland 18 war vets demanded wood and transport and threatened foreman. On Vuka, following an altercation between a labourer and war vet, war vets arrived demanding half of the farm - this was refused, and there was a subsequent stoppage of all work, threats and abuse. This was reported to police who stated "if labour do not like the war vets, then the labourers should return to communal lands".
Tengwe - Silver Lining Farm which was previously occupied was re-visited this morning and the farmer told to vacate the property immediately.
Chinhoyi - Zilawa Farm - 100+ war vets pegging farm. Doondo Farm foreman told to tell owner to remove all property by 22 July. Owners of Msengi, Braeside, Sholliver, Dunphaile, Wannock Glen and Newlands Farms have been told to vacate their farms by 21 or 23 July. The owner and foreman of Baguta Farm have received death threats and told to vacate by 24 July.
Norton - On Saffron Waldon yesterday Mrs Rusike and Mr Mutasa were seen with an AK47 and a shotgun. On Wilbred Farm Mrs Rusike broke the locks to the gate on Friday and again yesterday. Mrs Rusike also visited Aberdeen today.
It would appear that a new trend is starting in Matabeleland where pegging and laying claim to land is being stepped up with war vets claiming instruction to do so has come from their leader, and CFU and govt are of no consequence.
20 JULY 2000
Harare West/Nyabira - A police Land Rover was seen dropping off building tools for war vets on Bitton Farm.
Mazowe/Concession - The owner of Pearson Farm has returned home under police and support unit escort. War vets threatened the owner and tractor drivers with death if any land prep was carried out, with the police as witnesses. The owner of Golden Hill was threatened with death by war vets if he did not leave. War vets demanded that the owner of Raffeen closed down his furniture factory. They have threatened violence if he does not comply. War vets have given the owner of Iron Mask an immediate eviction notice. A black farmer in the area was threatened with eviction and war vets attempted to trash his home in retribution for being an opposition supporter,
Macheke/Virginia - Farms with work stoppages: Warren; Richmond, Mug, Chizanza; Spes Bona; Fairview; Blue Gums; Howgate; Glen Somerset; Murray Field.
TENGWE - Kapena Farm - owner told once he has finished grading tobacco he must move off.
Solera Farm - Owner told to move off by Friday.
Quo Vadis Farm - owner told to move off his farm immediately. Gwiwa, Inanda, Manna and Driftwood Farms - told to vacate immediately.
Dendenyani Farm - Cattle driven off by invaders to Jambo Farm. Told to vacate immediately.
Parendale Farm - No land prep and labour have been moved out. War vets do not want to continue dialogue or negotiations and are not interested in instructions from ZANU PF, VP Msika , Police or farmers. They have taken the land and legal papers do not interest them. Very militant and want farmers off the land.
Chiredzi Area - Dawlish Ranch - Mass invasion of up to approx 300, causing havoc and cutting down of trees. Threats of 1000 people to move on. Swedish investors and 6 British tourists had to be flown out of the farm yesterday
Ngwane Ranch - Invaders have been building more huts and are using these huts as base camps operating into Ruware Ranch. Poaching with dogs. Chickens have been stolen. Has been reported to the Police and are still awaiting reaction. BJB and Stelmarco Ranches Loads of people are being transported in from the adjacent communal land (Matebe). Amongst them are elderly people that can hardly walk and some small children. These people are also being issued plots. The adjacent Matebe communal land is not a very high densely populated area and there is plenty of land available in this communal area. Reports are now that the communal area is now vacant.
Fairange Estates - The owner, his manager, a senior game scout and a Sergeant have been threatened by the war vets in the presence of the Police. No action taken. War Vet "Mutemachani" instructed that all game scouts be disarmed; subsequent to this, two game scouts were seriously assaulted yesterday afternoon. One was beaten twice over the head with an axe and is recovering in Chiredzi Hospital and the other was also seriously beaten over the head with an axe and is subsequently temporarily paralysed. Arrangements are being made for medical treatment in Harare. The perpetrators are known and have been reported to the Police.
Bon Accord 'A' farm in Hunters road area invaded by +/- 60 people including at least 5 military personnel in uniform. One is a sergeant and one a corporal. The vehicle has an HC number plate. Invaders pegging vigorously and loading firewood onto army vehicle.
21 JULY 2000
Wedza - The Wedza police Member In Charge escorted war vet Chigwadere to Rupaka. Chigwadere went on to threaten the farmers that if the invaders pegs or houses were touched the farmers would be committing suicide.
Macheke/Virginia - There are now 19 work stoppages in the area.
22 JULY 2000
Mvurwi - One farm guard was assaulted yesterday on Four Streams Farm.
24 JULY 2000
Harare South/Beatrice - Wilhelm Botha, beaten to death with a crow bar. Mr Botha was an elderly man and was a mechanic for the garage.
Chakari - On Blackmorvale war vets have been camped on the lawn for the last few days and holding all night pungwes
Chegutu/Suri Suri - The owner on Concession Hill farm was threatened by 6 war vets because he dismissed a crop guard Approximately 100 people occupied Hippovale Farm today and work has stopped. The owner was warned about this last Thursday and was asked for a bribe to prevent it.
Mt Hampden - 3 labour on Hayden Farm were assaulted on Saturday.
Chiredzi - On Stelmarco and BJB Ranches there has been continued cutting of trees and grass
Insiza - Dr Hunzvi met with war vets in Zvishavane yesterday and has incited them to take land, resulting in Debshan being given an ultimatum this morning to vacate the ranch in 24 hours.
Bubi - On Saturday evening drunk war vets intimidated the labour on Allendale. They were made to march up and down the homestead security fence and were forced to sing chimurenga songs. The owner had a death threat.
Mberengwa - On Manjiri Ranches since March 2000, 58 head of cattle have been stolen or snared or slaughtered, and meat removed to the value of $784 000. 2 346 snares have been removed. Kwekwe Bemthree Ranch was invaded by 70 people lead by David Mutengwende.
25 July 2000
Chinhoyi - The owner of Kuti Farm was told to remove his cattle and vacate the farm by Wednesday this week.
Karoi - Karoi farmers closed their operations down at 0600 today. Karoi town have partially closed their operations in sympathy with the farmers, with whom they do business. Late this morning David Brand of Gremlin Farm was beaten unconscious and was extricated by the reaction unit. His wife and children have been evacuated.
Monday 24 - The owner of Collingwood was told to vacate within 24 hours. On Vuka Farm, 4 labourers were assaulted, yesterday morning the family was barricaded in the farm but managed to escape using a back exit. On Lanlory 11 dogs have been moved into a structure at the gate and a labourer has been bitten. On Deerwood a cattle employee was assaulted and threatened. Tengwe - None of the Tengwe farms that have been illegally occupied are designated. Only grading is allowed on Kapena Farm. No land prep is permitted on Parendale and Alpha. Land prep and pre-irrigation has been stopped, grading and seedbeds continue and cattle have been driven off Dendanyani, Jaybury/Jambo, Silver Lining. Mpata has continued land prep but war vets now claim this land is theirs and therefore no tobacco can be planted. All of the above farms are controlled by a group led by Peter Ncube At about 10:30 on Saturday 22 July approximately 75 people gathered at the security fence of Glen Craig. They had been into the workers village and chased everyone out. The neighbouring farmers reacted and evacuated the family.The labour force, including the women and children spent the night in the bush, were told not to go to work any more and were told to pack their belongings and leave the farm. They were told if any of them went to work they would be killed. On Sunday, the owner and police returned to the farm to take reports from the employees. This is the fourth time that this has happened to the labour.
Norton - Lovejoy arrived on Fort Martin Farm with approximately 80 people from the communal area whom he apparently paid. They pegged and told the owner that he was not allowed to ridge or plant tobacco. On Serui Source war vets from Harare were paying peggers $70.00 per day.
Suri Suri - On Cambustrennie a group led by Masiwa say that they are taking all the farm and that they do not care what President Mugabe says.
MDC Support Centre
8th Floor, Gold Bridge
Guqula Izenzo/Maitiro Chinja
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