Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 01:14:46 -0700
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#146 -- CFU Farm Invasion Update, August 24th
Tsatsi - War vets continue to build huts on several farms. Police are investigating a report of labour being assaulted by war vet supporters cutting down trees on Nyachura Farm.
Glendale - Two war vets were arrested on Sunday, in connection with a missing bull from Von Abo Estates. The bull had been hamstrung and was dead when found, which enabled an ambush to be set up leading to the arrest.
Marondera - About 100 invaders were waiting on the Buckles' farm with a newspaper for a VIP who did not arrive. They then dispersed and one of them went on to Larkhill, cut down 12 gum trees and built a structure. Marondera North - The foreman on Glenisla was assaulted on Friday. The police could not find the assailant. It appears that he then burnt down his own house and blamed it on some of the farm labourers.
Beatrice/Harare South - Stoneridge/Blackfordby: Occupiers that were evicted from Stoneridge and Blackfordby are back again, some with their belongings. They have been peaceful so far. On Donattar the situation continues with 30 occupiers and 20 structures. The brick makers are still there and have built 9 houses to roof level on next season's tobacco land. There is still ongoing cutting of firewood and gum poles in the district.
Wedza - Occupiers stopped ridging on Chakadenga today.
Enterprise/Bromley/Ruwa - Unable to contact.
Macheke/Virginia - The Section 8 Orders served on Castledene Pines and Castledene Pines Extension were declared null and void in the High Court. Police reacted to reports of logs across the Second Chapter road on Castledene Pines. Ridging is continuing. On Nyador and Riverlea, hut building and tree cutting were attended to by the Police. A police detail was collected to investigate tree cutting on Mafuti, but no arrests were made. ZBC footage showed the Governor resettling people on Fairview. This footage was taken on 21 August.
Chinhoyi - War vet Master removed cords of fire wood from Sangwe Farm with tractor and trailer. On Bunya Farm one cow was slaughtered in the vicinity of a well-used poachers' camp. Axes, spears and some clothes were found at the site. Dumalan Farm has been occupied, and there is wood cutting, house building, and cattle have been moved on.
Chegutu - On Damvuri war vets are burning down large mopanie trees and cutting trees. Concession Hill there is hut building and tree cutting taking place whilst the owner is on holiday.
Kadoma - On Milverton Estates some arrests were made on Saturday and as a result some people have moved off.
Chakari - Balwearie has been occupied by 20-30 people. Chakari MIC has asked PGHQ if they can remove these people.
Masvingo East and Central - More people are moving onto Bon Domi Farm. On Fomax wire has been stolen, trees are being cut and Mucheke township is being supplied with firewood.
Chiredzi - No change.
Gutu/Chatsworth - There are 4 war vets on Denholm cutting trees and erecting shelters. Occupiers stole a roll of barbed wire from the farmer's shed on Thornhill Farm. Armed poaching was reported on Chatsworth Farm, and war vets have established vegetable gardens. Scotch carts are entering Noeldale Farm through holes made in the fence. Trees are being cut and gates being left open.
Save Conservancy - On Fairange Ranch last week a 55 inch kudu was poached last week. Game Scouts apprehended the poacher, who tried to attack them. They subsequently disciplined the poacher. On Masapas Ranch international clients shot a leopard last week which had a snare around it's waist. Land clearing continues on Levanga Ranch. There are continued veld fires on Mkwasine Ranch. Police in Chiredzi indicate that they have not yet received any orders to react, and that they are not permitted to be spontaneous.
Mwenezi - No change. The Governor has indicated that a total of 32 farms will be designated in the area. He also indicated that the police will not move war vets off the properties and said that people from Gutu will be resettled in Mwenezi.
Middle Save - The Acting DA and his team visited Middle Save farms to ascertain whether they were suitable for acquisition.
Odzi - On Alma Farm there have been multiple army vehicles resettling people onto the farm since Monday 21 August. Ox-drawn ploughs have been brought onto the farm, Agritex officers have demarcated land, cattle have been moved onto the farm. War vets are hunting openly with their dogs and have interfered with farming operations. They have pegged on the prepared lands for the irrigated crops. All the internal fences have been removed, and along the southern border the entire game fence has been stolen, together with the treated poles. This will be reported to the police and action insisted upon. This property has received a Section 8 Order and Court papers have been served. There is still a huge amount of wood being chopped, and grass being cut.
Nothing to report.
Gweru East - Wildebeest Lot 4 has been reoccupied and building is ongoing. Police say they have been instructed not to interfere.
Shurugwi - On Mont d'Or, Hidden Treasure, Riversdale and Impaluli logs and trees were put across the roads. Gates have been opened and cattle are straying. Four goats and two kids have been stolen. On Beacon Kop the workshop was broken into and between $30 000 and $50 000 worth of equipment stolen.
Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List
This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations (or their representatives) will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence. Any reports from respondents that are relayed to the mailing list will be done so anonymously.
Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Zimbabwe Crisis mailing list archives --
- Comprehensive news updates --
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans --
- Commercial Farmers' Union --
- Movement for Democratic Change --
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust --
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals --
To: "Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List":;
From: Zimbabwe Crisis
Subject: ZimCrisis#146 -- CFU Farm Invasion Update, August 24th
Tsatsi - War vets continue to build huts on several farms. Police are investigating a report of labour being assaulted by war vet supporters cutting down trees on Nyachura Farm.
Glendale - Two war vets were arrested on Sunday, in connection with a missing bull from Von Abo Estates. The bull had been hamstrung and was dead when found, which enabled an ambush to be set up leading to the arrest.
Marondera - About 100 invaders were waiting on the Buckles' farm with a newspaper for a VIP who did not arrive. They then dispersed and one of them went on to Larkhill, cut down 12 gum trees and built a structure. Marondera North - The foreman on Glenisla was assaulted on Friday. The police could not find the assailant. It appears that he then burnt down his own house and blamed it on some of the farm labourers.
Beatrice/Harare South - Stoneridge/Blackfordby: Occupiers that were evicted from Stoneridge and Blackfordby are back again, some with their belongings. They have been peaceful so far. On Donattar the situation continues with 30 occupiers and 20 structures. The brick makers are still there and have built 9 houses to roof level on next season's tobacco land. There is still ongoing cutting of firewood and gum poles in the district.
Wedza - Occupiers stopped ridging on Chakadenga today.
Enterprise/Bromley/Ruwa - Unable to contact.
Macheke/Virginia - The Section 8 Orders served on Castledene Pines and Castledene Pines Extension were declared null and void in the High Court. Police reacted to reports of logs across the Second Chapter road on Castledene Pines. Ridging is continuing. On Nyador and Riverlea, hut building and tree cutting were attended to by the Police. A police detail was collected to investigate tree cutting on Mafuti, but no arrests were made. ZBC footage showed the Governor resettling people on Fairview. This footage was taken on 21 August.
Chinhoyi - War vet Master removed cords of fire wood from Sangwe Farm with tractor and trailer. On Bunya Farm one cow was slaughtered in the vicinity of a well-used poachers' camp. Axes, spears and some clothes were found at the site. Dumalan Farm has been occupied, and there is wood cutting, house building, and cattle have been moved on.
Chegutu - On Damvuri war vets are burning down large mopanie trees and cutting trees. Concession Hill there is hut building and tree cutting taking place whilst the owner is on holiday.
Kadoma - On Milverton Estates some arrests were made on Saturday and as a result some people have moved off.
Chakari - Balwearie has been occupied by 20-30 people. Chakari MIC has asked PGHQ if they can remove these people.
Masvingo East and Central - More people are moving onto Bon Domi Farm. On Fomax wire has been stolen, trees are being cut and Mucheke township is being supplied with firewood.
Chiredzi - No change.
Gutu/Chatsworth - There are 4 war vets on Denholm cutting trees and erecting shelters. Occupiers stole a roll of barbed wire from the farmer's shed on Thornhill Farm. Armed poaching was reported on Chatsworth Farm, and war vets have established vegetable gardens. Scotch carts are entering Noeldale Farm through holes made in the fence. Trees are being cut and gates being left open.
Save Conservancy - On Fairange Ranch last week a 55 inch kudu was poached last week. Game Scouts apprehended the poacher, who tried to attack them. They subsequently disciplined the poacher. On Masapas Ranch international clients shot a leopard last week which had a snare around it's waist. Land clearing continues on Levanga Ranch. There are continued veld fires on Mkwasine Ranch. Police in Chiredzi indicate that they have not yet received any orders to react, and that they are not permitted to be spontaneous.
Mwenezi - No change. The Governor has indicated that a total of 32 farms will be designated in the area. He also indicated that the police will not move war vets off the properties and said that people from Gutu will be resettled in Mwenezi.
Middle Save - The Acting DA and his team visited Middle Save farms to ascertain whether they were suitable for acquisition.
Odzi - On Alma Farm there have been multiple army vehicles resettling people onto the farm since Monday 21 August. Ox-drawn ploughs have been brought onto the farm, Agritex officers have demarcated land, cattle have been moved onto the farm. War vets are hunting openly with their dogs and have interfered with farming operations. They have pegged on the prepared lands for the irrigated crops. All the internal fences have been removed, and along the southern border the entire game fence has been stolen, together with the treated poles. This will be reported to the police and action insisted upon. This property has received a Section 8 Order and Court papers have been served. There is still a huge amount of wood being chopped, and grass being cut.
Nothing to report.
Gweru East - Wildebeest Lot 4 has been reoccupied and building is ongoing. Police say they have been instructed not to interfere.
Shurugwi - On Mont d'Or, Hidden Treasure, Riversdale and Impaluli logs and trees were put across the roads. Gates have been opened and cattle are straying. Four goats and two kids have been stolen. On Beacon Kop the workshop was broken into and between $30 000 and $50 000 worth of equipment stolen.
Zimbabwe Crisis Mailing List
This is currently a manually administered mailing list. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your request to DELETED. Personal requests for removal will be carried out immediately. Requests from governmental, political or press organisations (or their representatives) will be treated less favourably. The purpose of this list is not necessarily to redistribute published news reports. Rather, it is intended to distribute reports from or directly affecting people in Zimbabwe. If you have seen something before, I apologise. Hopefully that will not be a regular occurrence. Any reports from respondents that are relayed to the mailing list will be done so anonymously.
Brief list of helpful sites on the issue:
- Zimbabwe Crisis mailing list archives --
- Comprehensive news updates --
- Offers of and requests for help for Zimbabweans --
- Commercial Farmers' Union --
- Movement for Democratic Change --
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust --
- BSAP Pursuit of Zimbabwean Criminals --